Tobacco Anyone?

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EL Alamein
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Tobacco Anyone?

Post by EL Alamein »

Anyone enjoy a daily tobacco indulgence?

For years I enjoyed a daily cigar and a cocktail every night. In the last year I've abandoned the cigar. Lately I've returned to it and really enjoy it. I've been blessed to not have any ill health effects from it. I'm not promoting it just curious to see if anyone else enjoys it.

Anyone else indulge in such a vice?

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Re: Tobacco Anyone?

Post by drmoss_ca »

Ex-pipesmoker here. I don't regret any of it, even if it does me in. I do wonder about our priorities: first they tell you that you have cancer and it will get you, then they tell you to lose weight, cut back on fats and salt and alcohol, definitely don't smoke and how about some aerobic exercise? Strikes me somedays that a rational person would hear the first part and indulge in all the rest as much as possible!

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Re: Tobacco Anyone?

Post by Rufus »

I used to enjoy a good cigar, but gave it up nine years ago for health reasons. I still enjoy the smell of a freshly lit cigar. Every time I smell cigar smoke it reminds me of a line from Rudyard Kipling’s poem ‘The Betrothed’,

‘...And a woman is only a woman, but a good Cigar is a Smoke. ...’
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Re: Tobacco Anyone?

Post by pausted »

In May 2015 I started a thread titled "Did you enjoy a cigar today?" At that time I smoked one cigar a day. That went on for a couple more years but a few months ago I totally lost my taste for cigars. Why? I have no idea, but I haven't smoked a cigar for at least six months. I have a humidor that I maintain for proper humidity, full of excellent cigars, but I don't have the urge to smoke one.
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EL Alamein
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Re: Tobacco Anyone?

Post by EL Alamein »

Basil, my deepest condolences. If you need a loving home to export those cigars to where they will be properly be disposed of, one at a time, I can suggest one . . . ;)

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Re: Tobacco Anyone?

Post by pausted »

Thanks, Chris, for the suggestion, but if and when the urge to enjoy a good cigar returns, I'll be ready. :D
Best regards,

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Re: Tobacco Anyone?

Post by Sam »

A snuck out cigarets in 5th grade and smoked 40 in one sitting and that did me in for life. I do love the smell of a good cigar and even pipe tobacco
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Re: Tobacco Anyone?

Post by brothers »

I've got a Cuban in a humidor. I haven't actually smoked one in decades, cigars that is. Same for pipes and cigs. Just lost all interest in it a very long time ago. I still intend to smoke the cigar because it was a gift. The last time I used tobacco was Red Man chewing tobacco, and that was 35 years ago in the early '80s.
Last edited by brothers on Tue Feb 27, 2018 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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EL Alamein
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Re: Tobacco Anyone?

Post by EL Alamein »

Gary, you might do well to sell the Cuban if you're not inclined to smoke it, understanding that it was a gift though. If it was well maintained then it could be worth a lot of money depending on what cigar it was. People pay big bucks for aged Cubans.

On another note, a Cuban cigar is what helped introduce me to my wife. I had just broke up with a girlfriend and was not interested in another one at the moment. I really was enjoying being a bachelor. Well, a friend of mine who traveled to Europe regularly came back from a recent trip and brought me back a Partagas Series D. I had it one deck one Friday night to smoke with the guys on our night out. We had recently run into an old friend we hadn't seen in years. This chance meeting lead to him inviting us to his going away party that Friday night. He was moving to the West Coast with his brother to see if they could make it big. We had two choices that night - go to his party or checkout a new local bar that had a relaxed atmosphere and good food. I voted for the bar since we really hadn't seen this guy in literally many years since our chance encounter. I got out-voted.

We went to his parent's house, late to the party. I was determined to smoke that Partagas come Hell or high water and was told that I was quite welcome to smoke cigars on the outside back deck. Well, straight away I went and we walked through the house through Dining Room where I spotted my now wife and another woman chatting (turned out to be her older sister). I thought her to be quite pretty and I literally thought to myself - very pretty girl but I'm not going anywhere near her tonight because I really just want to smoke this cigar and don't need the headache of another girlfriend at the moment. We got outside lit up our cigars and started chatting with the party goers. We were having a great time. All the sudden there was a clap of thunder in the distance, far enough away that I felt assured I could finish this cigar no problem should any bad weather come our way. A minute later a downpour was on us. The thunder and lightening was right up on us clapping loudly and lighting up the night sky. It was so bad it literally put out my tasty gorgeous cigar I was enjoying so much in an instant and to boot it started unraveling so bad I was assured I could never, ever, finish it. We were drenched, sopping wet. I pitched the cigar. We were at the end of the deck that was farthest from the door to the house and thus we were the last people in the door to seek shelter. There was one seat left in the house - next to my now wife, so I sat down next to her. She was talking with her sister and I forget what she was saying but I felt the need to interject my thoughts. This sparked a conversation that piqued my interest in her.

Now the kicker. She was there on a lark. Her sister's husband was on his annual boy scout camping trip that he could not get out of and he was a good friend to our friend. He sent his wife (my now bride's sister) to the party to give his regards and wish him well on his trip out West. She brought along my now wife as company because she didn't know anyone there other than the guy we knew and wanted some company. My wife had broken up with a boyfriend a few months earlier and she was wearing a Claddaugh ring proper (in the "I'm single mode" with the heart pointing to the finger nail). Spying this before I interjected my comments I thought it appropriate to strike up the banter. The rest is history with five children and a happy marriage.

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Re: Tobacco Anyone?

Post by brothers »

Chris, what a wonderful sequence of events. It makes me smile. Meant to be. Does wonders for faith.
I probably won't sell it. Chances of selling are better than smoking it.

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EL Alamein
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Re: Tobacco Anyone?

Post by EL Alamein »

Gary, thanks. It is very Faith affirming that I wound up with the bride I did.

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