Shaving in Basic (or, I joined the Army, how do I shave?)

Thoughts and input on anything related to wet shaving or men's grooming.
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Post by BeatlesFan »

I can't whether they were allowed 39 years ago in USAF basic. But see how long it takes to clean an electric razor to be "inspection-ready" i.e. not a single whisker remnant anywhere inside. That ain't happening and it's gonna be hard and time-consuming enough to get them all off the outside.
A very valid concern, to be sure.

However, these washable ones are basically 100% clean after a super-fast rinse under running water. Splish, splash, wipe it down, done. Like 2 seconds, no joke.

A VERY different gig from the old fashion electric shaver brush for cleaning, which took a long time and was never really perfectly cleaned out even after a lot of fiddling around.

I realize the Sgt. will be picky as hell on inspection, but I honestly think the washable electric will work fine with a lightning-fast rinse and a drying swipe with a towel.

That said, I want to make it clear that this is only a suggestion for one possible way to deal with a situation (basic training) that demands super-fast shaving that yields an acceptable outcome. For myself, electric would be the only option, because I just cannot shave very quickly and acceptably with a blade. I need time for prep, lather, 2+ passes, cool-down after-shave splashing, etc. For me, it's a 12-14 minute gig start to finish.

Under normal circumstances, I consider that 12-14 minutes to be time well spent, and I really prefer blade shaving. However, if I could only have 3 minutes, I'd personally have to go electric.

Anyway, it's a challenge and I hope it all works out!
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Post by Moe »

I'm sure a lot's changed in four decades. We had a guy in our flight with peach fuzz who'd never shaved before. The TI spotted his fuzz one morning and made him run back in the building and get his razor. The TI took the blade out, drug it across the concrete, put it back in the razor and made the kid dry shave with it. Then the TI yelled at him for bleeding on Uncle Sam's uniform. No one forgot to shave after that. They'd probably put the TI in jail for that today.
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Post by DieMonkeys »

BeatlesFan wrote:

Under normal circumstances, I consider that 12-14 minutes to be time well spent, and I really prefer blade shaving. However, if I could only have 3 minutes, I'd personally have to go electric.
It takes me about 15 minutes to do two passes, plus a drop limes skin food before, between, and after, followed by balm. Which is why I'm fretting so much about shaving in Basic.

I was actually looking at that MS2-390 just before it was posted here, I'll have to check with my recruiter before I purchase it to make sure it's ok to use electric razors.
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Post by function »

I have owned two panasonic wet/dry shavers in my time, both have served me well. Eventually they have battery life issues, but that was after a couple years for the first and about 20 months for the second.

Thanks for your service.

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Post by Short Round »

Thanks for serving!

Back in my day in the late 80's we had a PX run on day 1.75 (we didn't sleep the first night)

At the mini mcx we all did a walk through with a shopping list, bic or gillette disposabal razors, can of Gillette foamy, and ice blue aqua velva, and a bunch of other various health and personal needs items. I recall I had the cheap single bladed white and gold bics. They were pretty good for what they were.

I remember getting yelled at for not shaving the peach fuzz on my 17 y/o neck and throat. I don't recall inspections of our shaving kit bags. Everything else in the footlocker but they never went inside the shaving kit that I recall.

I can remember them looking at a lot of other tiny details like the inside of the pistol cartridge belt eyelets for dust and that the brass eyelets were markered black and the slot on the screw on the rifle butt plate was clean. God forbid if you wore dirty smudged glasses.

I think the only things they didn't throw away were our wallets, address books, orders, eyeglasses, and running sneakers. The rest of our civilian attire was put in paper bags and stored in a warehouse until graduation or you got kicked out. I wore older clothes down and tossed them in the GI can after signing for them.
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Post by Squire »

Hey Moe, welcome aboard.

DM , I wouldn't rely on what the recruiter says, the rules may be different when you arrive at boot camp. I'd stick with quick and simple for the reasons mentioned above.

Tom, you had a whole five minutes?
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Post by aircraft_electrician »


That 5 minutes was for 30 of us to use the john and shave...we had 3 toilets and 5 sinks. Fortunately, we didn't shower until after PT, but the PT uniform is still a uniform, and one has to be clean shaven when in uniform.

So our day started with 5 minutes to get all 30 of us ready for PT formation, then an hour of PT, followed by breakfast and then we got about 8 minutes to shower and get into our BDU's or dress blues, depending on which week it was.

Let me tell you, the chow hall was not a pleasant place to be with a hundred or so young men and women that had just finished PT but not showered yet.

A razor is a good deal like a gun, much depends on the man behind it - paraphrased from John Philip Sousa

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Post by DieMonkeys »

Just talked to my recruiter today. He said no go on the electric razor. I've got a bag of the gold and white single bladed disposables, I'll start practicing with those when I start getting myself used to waking up at 0430 the two weeks preceding my leaving for Basic.

Again, thanks for all the advice, and I'll happily take more advice and more Basic Training/Boot Camp/Whatever military stories, so keep them coming!
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Post by Squire »

DE my best stories are unprintable.
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Post by stagger »

Leave all your shaving stuff at home. You will be issued everything you need...including shaving gear.
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Post by Moe »

DieMonkeys wrote:Again, thanks for all the advice, and I'll happily take more advice and more Basic Training/Boot Camp/Whatever military stories, so keep them coming!
Shave in less than 60 seconds, including lathering and rinsing, WTG, single pass. You also have about that long to brush your teeth at the sink. Floss at night.

If you drop your soap in the shower, let it go. Even if you back up to the wall before bending over to pick it up, you may still get a face full of crotch.

When you finish a dump, make sure you leave the toilet seat up at attention, in a perfect line with all the other toilets in a row.

Lots more where those came from...
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Post by Squire »

Ah, memories ...
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Post by AZShaver »

At Ft Polk in 1964, we used the goo and de. We also kept a display razor etc. we were allowed a corner of our footlocker for personal items not to be inspected.
Best advice you have been given is talk to the recruiter.
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Post by Racso_MS »

I'm not trying to patronize you. Listen to me (I'm a retired Sergeant Major). Get an authorized packing list from your recruiter. Do not take anything that is not on the list...(PERIOD). If you don't have it and you need it, it will be provided for you or you will be required to buy it. Don't worry, you won't see a paycheck while at Basic or AIT if you go to them back to back. You'll recieve all of the pay you are authorized at the end of the cycle. But take only what is on the packing list...NOTHING MORE.

Third man, Third Squad if you can swing it. You will understand why later. Enjoy the experience and serve our country with everything you have.

I wish you well and remember, "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger."
Best Regards From the Deep South...
Remember; It's Not A Race, It's Your Face...
And As Always, Enjoy Your Shave...
(Racso) Oscar...
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Post by Squire »

Neither basic or AIT kills but can be physically trying for some. I suggest you also take up jogging because they are going to make you run at least once daily.
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Post by AZShaver »

Don't forget pushups and situps.
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Post by DieMonkeys »

Racso_MS wrote:Don't worry, you won't see a paycheck while at Basic or AIT if you go to them back to back. You'll recieve all of the pay you are authorized at the end of the cycle.
Gosh, I hope you're wrong about that. My recruiter told me that I will be receiving pay on the 1st and the 15th the moment I show up for Basic. Myy fiance/future wife will be needing that money to pay the bills until she finishes school and moves back up to her mother's house.

I got a brand new recruiter who went through Basic 11 years ago and he said Basic is completely different now, more combat oriented and less marching drill oriented.
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Post by Squire »

DE, recruiters have a quota to meet.
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Post by Racso_MS »

Thirty-Five (35) years Four (4) months and Twenty-Two (22) days Time in Service. I may be wrong about the pay (doubtful) but I'm not wrong about the packing list... Take only what is on the list. It will save you a lot of pain. Ask for a packing list and follow it to the letter.

If you want, I'll contact an associate and get one for you . Send me a PM and it will be in your hands next week.

Things do change and the pay situation may have changed, so don't fret about that. You will eventually recieve all that is coming to you, maybe on time, probably not, but you will receive it.

Shoot me a PM and I'll do what I can. Ask any questions and I'll get you an answer. This will be between the two of us and no one else will have a need to know.

I have a reputable reputation and if you don't believe me...ASK ANYONE ON THE FORUM for a reference. These guys are honest to a fault. I will find out the truth and let you know.
Best Regards From the Deep South...
Remember; It's Not A Race, It's Your Face...
And As Always, Enjoy Your Shave...
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I'll say, without hesitation, that Oscar is an honorable man and one that I trust to know what he is talking about. He is a decent and caring human being.

- Murray
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