Taylor's No.74 Original

What kind of fragrances do you prefer?
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Post by Paddywhacked »

This thread has pushed me to finally purchase of No. 74 after many months of contemplation. I think I'll start with wearing it to work, with me being one of the rare class of clean shaven fellows there, I think it will be a nice contrast to their shagginess and numerous peircings. Might actually bring some decent discussion to the place. Why can't work be just a little like SMF?
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Post by bernards66 »

Eric, Good show! It will be interesting to see if you get any...and if so, what kind...of feedback at work. As you've read, the No 74 Original is a quite unusual scent by current standards. Let us know how it goes.
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Post by Bargepole »

drmoss_ca wrote:I found the combination of old-style Eucris hairdressing and Taylor's No74 Original very nice together.

With respect to your other points, I believe they can be best answered by giving me an address for your land agent - I'll send him one of my spare Leicas, which improve cavalry twills no end. Good job I didn't mention my fondness for moleskin trousers, as I'd have to give another to your gamekeeper! :wink:

Sadly, poor Oscar went off the lilies, and founded a small but persistent fashion for green-dyed carnations. Now that is a crime.
Buzz off, digital person. (Thread drift, but: I hardly use my M7 or M3 now. Too damn hard to get B&W processed, Kodachrome dead, can't raise the wind for the blasted digital body. Yet... I have in the past SOLD LEICA STUFF and always always regretted it. Especially to f1 Noctilux and the first (limited) version of the 35mm 'lux aspheric. I cringe to think of my stupidity now. And don't mention the original "glowing" 35mm 1.4.)

Moleskins are 100% the thing. I wear a pair as I type this.

We have a song -- the Green Carnation Waltz -- in the musical devoted to that odd habit. He did it, and persuade others to follow suit, so that people would ask themselves "But what does it MEAN?". The answer, said Mr Wilde, was simple: nothing at all.

The odd thing about spending a year in Oscar's company is the realization that he was actually a terribly, terribly nice and kind man. He was said, in conversation, to make his interlocutors feel that THEY, not he, were sparkling and witty.


By "old style" Eucris, do you mean when it was strongly violet-scented? If so, I agree. I used to combine the old Royal Yacht, precursor it seems of No. 74, with Ajaccio Violets -- the other way round, of course, but RY was only a hair dressing back then.

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Post by drmoss_ca »

I do mean the violet scented Eucris - I stocked up when I heard of the latest silliness in banning chemicals. Combining Ajaccio violets and Royal Yacht should have created much the same effect - delicious.

I use a pair of MP's far more than the M9. Develop my own B&W. You could use C-41 process B&W film and get it developed anywhere that still handles film. I have done my share of re-arranging Leica gear - mostly selling lenses to buy other lenses. Usually with eventual regret.

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Post by Bargepole »

drmoss_ca wrote:Develop my own B&W. You could use C-41 process B&W film and get it developed anywhere that still handles film.
I have been petitioning for a darkroom for a long time. One day I will just seize the room in question but I think the installation of sinks etc -- not to mention the huge glazing drum -- may attract notice...

C-41. I enthusiastically adopted XP1 when it first came out as the answer to all the low-light reportage I was doing in those days. But then grew to dislike it. Too smooth, no grain, no bite, no real control over push-processing etc. But it's a thought...

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Post by mme29710 »

I ordered the Trifecta today from Phil. Can't wait to receive them
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