Derby PREMIUM blades?

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Derby PREMIUM blades?

Post by kaptain_zero »

Leap before looking.... that's me!

A few years ago... OK, many years ago....<sigh> My standard blade was Derby.... not the sharpest, not the [insert desired feature here], but it was a great all around blade (I forgot to mention cheap). Then I got the latest version, typified by the disappearance of the "Derby" brand impressed in the circular depression on the back of the blade pack. The new ones were "awful", plain and simple.

So.. on a whim today, I was poking around Connaught shaving and I see there is a new to me, Derby Premium blade..... Of course, as I usually do, I order first, check SMF later!

Well, I've ordered 100 of these blades and I can only hope they equal the original Derby I used many years ago. I remember them as if it were yesterday, kind of a high resistance on the first day, then it improved dramatically for the next 2 or 3 days and trailed off enough to warrant a new blade the next week. I think my beard was removing the excess coating on the first shave, then it slid through my beard for a couple of days before starting to dull.

I did not find too many reports on these blades, but I'm hoping for a positive outcome. Otherwise, my straights will keep me going and I have a stash of Pauldog's bulk feathers... enough to last me until that last day I'm here... I hope.


Kaptain "Boy, I sure hope they are like the old Derby blades" Zero
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Re: Derby PREMIUM blades?

Post by brothers »

I got a pack from Connaught too. I was surprised at how nicely the Derby Premium blade performed. Lasted 5 great shaves before it went south. Cheap and good in my book. Wouldn't mind having a hundred of these.

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Re: Derby PREMIUM blades?

Post by kaptain_zero »

Oh goody!

That is what I was hoping for. I don't much use DE razors these days, but I DO miss my stash of the original Derby blades... if this is the equivalent, I'll be a happy camper and a happy senior who can't swing a straight!
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Re: Derby PREMIUM blades?

Post by BPman »

I bought a tuck and tried one. Binned it after the 2nd shave. Not that smooth IMO. YMMV of course.
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Re: Derby PREMIUM blades?

Post by kaptain_zero »

I guess time will tell. Derby blades have always had that "take it or leave it" feel. I liked the original, the follower, not so much. I do have a stock of Feather blades, so it's not like I'm in dire straits, but I could use a few more blades... just in case I live into my 90s!
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Re: Derby PREMIUM blades?

Post by fallingwickets »

order first, check SMF later!
haha....i thought that I was the only member of that club

good luck with the order...hopefully it turns out better than expected

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Re: Derby PREMIUM blades?

Post by yomuppet »

I liked these 'ok' during the shave, they're definitely sharper than Derby Extra. BUT, they left me with horrible discomfort/pinkness/irritation, even though I did not have any nicks/cuts and nothing had changed from my prep. Next shave I switched back to a different blade, and zero problems. I personally won't be using Derby Premium again.
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Re: Derby PREMIUM blades?

Post by brothers »

I don't doubt what you are saying about your experience, but in my case, usually only a single use of anything doesn't supply me with enough information to make a final judgment. Blades, razors, brushes, soaps, happens almost every time, operator learning curve.

SOTD 99%: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, soaps & creams, synthetic / badger brushes, Colonial General razor, Kai & Schick blades, straight razors any time, Superior 70 aftershave splash + menthol + 444
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