Before I discovered wet shaving I remember shaving with...

Thoughts and input on anything related to wet shaving or men's grooming.
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Before I discovered wet shaving I remember shaving with...

Post by Johnnie »

my sisters razor and shaving gel. She would actually hide it from me so I wouldn't use it. I hated buying razors and the $2.19 gel from the store. When I couldn't find her gel I would just use the bar of soap that was in the shower.:oops:

In the Navy I would wake up 15 minutes before muster, go to the bathroom and dry shave with my 2 month old disposable razor and head out for the day.

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Post by aircraft_electrician »

My first razor was a Schick Tracer FX, and I used Gillette Foamy. I replaced the Tracer with a Gillette Sensor, then moved on to the Mach 3, though sometime in there I used my grandfather's Gillette slim adjustable for a short while. At some point I replaced the Gillette foamy with Edge Gel.

And so, until I discovered this site I was still using the M3 and Edge Gel.

A razor is a good deal like a gun, much depends on the man behind it - paraphrased from John Philip Sousa

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Post by Austin »

I used a Braun electric shaver for years.
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Post by rustyblade »

Well, immediately before buying my first DE (a Futur), I shaved with Schick ST Sensitive disposables and Proraso Red (for a month) and before that I used Florena for 2 years. I dabbled a bit with a WS boar brush and WS/Williams soap. Oh, and I had a short affair with some body shop shave cream. I suppose I have always been somewhat shave-curious and that would probably explain all my various addiction disorders today.
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Post by Nitrox »

I actually started with wetshaving when I was a kid before the Atra came out. The first razor was a Gillette SS, Gillette DE blades, an Omega boar brush and if I'm not mistaken, Palmolive shave cream in the tubes. This is what my father used to use, so I just got myself what he had.
I graduated to all the multiblade stuff before returning to wetshaving again. I don't think I'll be going back to the multiblades again though.
My face hasn't been this smooth since when I was a kid. :lol:

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shave every day and you'll always look keen."
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Post by Tye »

I used to use a Sensor Excel then graduated to the Sensor Excel 3 and a can of Edge gel. I thought I'd hit the height of sophistication when I discovered KoS shaving gel.

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Post by meltzer222 »

I went from:

High School:
Bic and other Disposables
Generic Trimmer

Gillette Sensor
Gillette Sensor Excel
Braun Electric
Norelco Trimmer

The Real World:
Gillette Mach 3
Gillette Mach 3 Turbo
Gillette Mach 3 Power
Gillette Fusion
Norelco Trimmer and Electric

After Finding This Site:
Merkur Futur with Merkur or Feather Blades
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Post by LostInCincy »

I only used two razors: The Gillette Trac II and then Mach 3. I would use each cartridge anywhere from 2-4 weeks. I guess if it didn't "look" bad, I'd just keep using it.

As for cream, I only used Gillette foam and then mindlessly switched over to Edge gel when it was tossed my direction.

Upon a visit to my parents' house, I found the original Trac II handle I started with. Pretty weird feeling now.

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Post by Chaps »

Shick Injector, Various Disposables, Gillette Mach 3, Shick Quattro, Various Electric Shavers.


"Because I prefer the cool, clean sweep of the tempered steel as it glides smoothly--" Cary Grant as he is shaving in a scene from "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House"
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Post by khari »

My first shaves were with an old electric razor that my father used when he was young. It had a sizeable hole in the screen. My goal each time was to use it without allowing the area with hole to touch my skin. Every now and then if I wasn't paying attention, I would forget. Afterward, I would be reaching for anything I could find to stop the bleeding after the blade moving underneath had sheared off some of my skin. That thing hurt like nobody's business!
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Post by sbacher »

Bics, Atra, Mach 3, and Sensors with either Barbasol, Colgate, or Noxzema. Most recently before stumbling upon wet shaving a Gillette Fusion and Edge Gel. Also have tried a couple of electrics in the past.
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Post by GregCavi »

High School -

Electric Razor
Lectric Shave - OUCH! :oops:

Late H.S.-

Schick Qauttro
Pressurized Goo
Nivea aftershave balm


Sensor Excel
Proraso Brush
Truefitt & Hill Cream
Misc. Others!

Very soon...

Gillette Super speed
Derby Blades

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Post by rayfound »

My Progression:

Started with Sensor and Foamy Cream
Then the "Gel came out" - so it was Edge.
The The Mach 3 -
Then a girlfriend bought me an electric

After a couple years I started going crazy -

I tried the Mach 3 with:

Edge gel - left on for 30 mins before shaving
Edge gel - razor soaked in Silicone oil before shaving
Edge gel, face smeared with silicone
Bath soap, with the silicone
Then just the Bath soap

Then back to electric, new self cleaning, more expensive

Then Back to the Mach3 - this time make it a Power - with just soap
Then used Venus divine cartidges - because there was more lube strip!
back to Mach 3 with the Soap

And then:

Boar Brush. Proraso. Sensor - and eventually DEs(several), badgers(3), and about 8 creams in stock now. Its been a fun ride... but it really sucked up until I got the brush and Lather.

Sorry so long.
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Post by Mike_gman »

A lot of these recollections do have their similarities.

I cannot say that I am that far off of you guys.

I can narrow this down by just saying that for whatever reason... I have been a fan of shaving and all the gadgets, creams, gels, clear lotions, oils, you name it to shave my face.
The closer I could possibly shave... the better.
I have used it all.

Over the last year, I just graduated to the Futur and I must say, I really do like that razor.
I am still razor curious... therefore, just also bought my first Gillette ( as I recall ) DE razor. 1960 SS. Reason I say as I recall is that I have been shaving for close to 35 years on a regular basis. I can tell you that I have tried so many different razors... I really cannot remember what they all were!
In fact... had my first shave with the new/old vintage Gillette this morning. I think I like it. I still have to get used to the feel of this toy in my hand compared to the Futur.... but it did do an adequate job.
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Post by nodaktim »

I started with disposables and canned foam. While in the military, I switched to the Sensor and while in the field a small battery operated electric with a microscreen. Then, I switched to the Sensor Excel and the Edge gel. I thought I had moved up to a higher class of shaving (Naivety of youth). Later, I tried the original Mach 3 and hated it. I tried a several electric razors to include a couple of the Norelcos with the 3 round shaving heads, and a couple of the razors with microscreens. Went back to the Sensor Excel and newest Edge Gel. I tried the Fusion after a weekend of growth and it wasn't bad. BUT, on the second use it tore me up. That was with getting my face good and soaked with hot water, WTG, relathering for the ATG, rinse hot then cold. After that, I gave up on the 'newest' and 'best' cartridge invention. I searched the internet for some better technique or product and stumbled onto Corey's MSNBC article which lead to SMF. I then said good-bye forever to the 'modern' shaving gimmicks.
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Post by ScottS »

Wilkinson Bonded single-edge cartridge, Rise Baby Face Menthol (would kill to get a can of this for the trip down memory lane), and Mennen Skin Bracer (Thanks, I needed that!)
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Post by Mike R »

In HS I started out with those yellow & white bic disposables and some kind of canned foam. Foamy, maybe? It was whatever my mom bought, I guess. At the time I remember my dad using Williams soap, a Milord and an Everready brush.

In college and beyond I tried all the cartridges that came along, mostly using whatever cartridges fit the free handles I got in the mail. I'd also use disposables, but for all the things I didn't know about shaving, one thing I did know is that the cartridges worked better than disposables. Honestly, I don't remember which types I used up to the Sensor. I used the Sensor for quite a while. I eventually tried a M3 after it had been out for a year or so, but never was completely sold on it.

Also in that time I tried a couple electrics, both Brauns.

Somewhere in there I switched from canned foam to canned gel. Woo.

I'd usually use the cartridges for 2 or 3 weeks (or way more in college and just after, when I didn't have to shave every day), until I couldn't stand it anymore, just because they were so expensive and I was so cheap. And usually so poor.

The one trick I eventually learned was to put the can of gel on the floor of the shower by the drain while I was showering. That warmed the gel. I also applied the gel in the shower. These two things helped a bit with the otherwise terribly uncomfortable shave.

Used Afta or its generic till about 2 years ago when my wife bought me some Nivea Sensitive.

I also remember when researching a water softener for my home, that one of the benefits it listed was that it would improve the quality of your shave.

A year and a half ago or so I found the article on MSNBC, took the plunge, and thankfully ended up here.

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Post by Sfox7076 »

I started with a Mach 3, probably used the razor cartridge for a month before changing it. Always with orange edge gel. That lasted me until law school. I got a great deal on Schick Extreme 3 blades and used those for about two years. Then my Dad gave me a Schick Quattro. From there I found wet shaving. I started with a Schick Krona with Merkur blades, then went headlong for a SuperSpeed with Feathers and a Simpson Chubby 2 with Taylor's Cream, then a Regent Tech, and now my Gillette Executive. I have been shaving this way for about 18 months and been through every blade and cream imaginable...

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Post by gwferguson »

When I first started shaving my parents were kind enough to buy me a Remington electric; unfortunately, the darn thing never cut particularly well (in fact, it felt more like it was pulling the whiskers out of my skin) and tore up my neck something fierce. In college I gave it up for the Gillette Trac II and the matching Trac II can o' foam, which worked a little better, but not much. During my sophomore year I "liberated" my father's old black-handled Super Speed (he'd been using an electric for years by then) and shaved in the dormitory shower using a bar of soap to...well, I wouldn't exactly say "lather," but to slicken up my face. I used more toilet paper for staunching blood flow than I did for any, uhhhh, other purpose, but despite that, my shaves were the closest yet.

Later on I used whatever twin blade disposable razor happened to be on sale, usually a BIC, while still "lathering" with whatever bar of soap I happened to be using in the bathtub. Can you say "razor burn," boys and girls? I think you can.

In 1998 I received a free Mach III which I used (again with bath soap) until about six months ago. Since the cartridges were expensive I used them for as long as four weeks before replacement.

Forget aftershave; my face was so raw for all those years that water hurt.

Is it any wonder I dreaded shaving?

Since discovering the Wetshaving Cult I now use one of two Gillette Super Speeds, a Gillette black-handled adjustable, and I have a Merkur long-handled Classic on order. I've got Proraso, Taylor, and T&H creams, Mama Bear soaps, C&E sandalwood soap, an Omega boar's hair brush, a Vulfix badger brush, Israeli and Feather blades, a lathering bowl (Target), an alum block, Thayer's witch hazel, aftershave balms and colognes galore, and I'm getting some darn good shaves while having fun!

I have been assimilated.

Post by Rob »

I started out with a Gillette Sensor with various gels. Later I tried a Mach 3, it destroyed my face on a number of occasions, so I went back to a Sensor. Later I found that Barbasol gave me the least painful (yes still unbearably painful) shave so I kept using it until I came to the promised land of DE shaving. :) For a while I used my dad's Edge aftershave after he died. I managed to use so little of it that I could actually use it for a year or so. I absolutely loved the smell of it but I guess it was discontinued many, many years ago because I can't find it at all. Thankfully, Afta smells similar, but not exactly like the old Edge A/S. I wish I had that old bottle of Edge A/S, it has a lot of value in it for me.
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