First shave with a non-Merkur blade - Crystal

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First shave with a non-Merkur blade - Crystal

Post by hedge_76 »

I've been shaving with a DE for about 2 months now. Up until last night, I only used Merkur blades. It's what came with the Merkur razor I purchased from, and when I ordered the sampler pack it was what was recommended I use first. I felt it was a good razor. Nothing to particularly recommend, nor to discourage. All in all, a good razor for me to use in honing my technique.

Last night, I decided to get a little wild, and try the Israeli blades that came with the sampler pack. Having rewatched the 'training videos' last week, I made a mental checklist and set out to achieve a BBS shave. I washed my face. I applied the hot towel while heating the soup bowl I'm using as a lathering bowl. I whipped up a mighty fine lather with some TOBS Avocado. Lather up my face, and went to town with the Crystal for 3 passes (W,A,XTG), rinsing my face and relathering between passes.

I must say, I did notice a difference. I had gotten BBS with the Merkur, but it wasn't consistent and always seemed to need a little touch-up. This seemed easier somehow. I also noticed it on my head that this seemed to cut better, and left an overall smoother feel when I was done.

I'll be using the Crystals for a couple of weeks, then I might switch back to a Merkur before moving on to the Derby's. I have to admit, when I bought the sampler pack, I wondered whether it was a sound purchase. While I certainly didn't doubt the great sultans of shave on here, I had already gathered that Merkurs were "ok", and that Feathers were sharper than sharp. Could there be that much difference between the plethora of blades on the market? I'm starting to realize that there IS a difference, even if it is subtle.

That being said, are there other blades out there worth trying? As I said earlier, I've got a whole 2 months of DE shaving under my belt, and (hopefullt) many more years ahead of me. Perhaps someone who's seen the ebb and flow of the shaving tides can recommend a brand not regularly seen? In my 'aresenal' at the moment I have the Merkurs, Crystals, Derby, Gillette and Feather.

Thanks for all of the wonderful posts, and great advice!

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Post by redstubble »

Are your Gillettes the "Swedish" Gillettes? Those continue to be my favorite, although more expensive than the other choices.

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Post by Big Swifty »

hey Frank,
with those blades that you already own you have the bulk of the blades most talked about on this forum. you just have to use them all to see which one (ones) work best for you, then buy in bulk. You might want to also try the Wilkinson sword blades and maybe Dorcos.
I too have had great results from the Crystals and Derbys and I get good mileage out of both.
good luck 8)

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Post by gruffydd63 »


Blades as well as razors, creams, soaps, ect., ect., seem to be preference. I too used the Merkur that came with my Classic and at the same time I bought two more five packs. After using them I was not overly impressed and did as well with the Russian made Gillettes sold in the US. Since then I got a sampler and first used the Swedish Gillettes and thought they were great. Next I tried the Derby's and got a rough shave.

I know other members have gotten probably the exact opposite results as I did but for what ever reason different people get different results with the same equipment. It looks to me that you (we) should try as many different blades as possible and find what really works for you.

Post by Leisureguy »

I've continued to explore other brands, and have found a handful that provide really excellent shaves. In addition to the sampler pack you have now, check out the sampler packs from RazorandBrush. Those in the UK have this sampler pack.

And welcome.
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Post by hedge_76 »

Dick - I agree. It seems the YMMV aspect is in full effect when it comes to blades, soaps, creams, etc. But I find that I've seen some great reviews/recommendations on here, for items I never knews existed.

Michael - thank you for the great link. You're always a great source of knowledge on here. Once this supply dwindles down, I'll put in an order for their large sample pack.

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