Did anyone ever get their Trumpers samples?

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Did anyone ever get their Trumpers samples?

Post by JackieMartling »

Last spring, in May some time, there was a big hullabaloo about Trumpers being out of cologne samples and us having to wait a while before we received any. I thought I had gotten ahead of the pinch, because their rep told me she had sent mine. When over a week passed and I didn't see anything in the mail, I wrote again, and the same rep told me she had just sent them the day before. Unfortunately, I had to leave for the summer just a couple days later, so I was not able to try them out. Well, I'm back home, and no Trumpers samples came - nothing for the entire summer. I'm just wondering if anybody else got theirs.
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Post by Johnnie »

i requested mine about 2 weeks ago and then told me they had run out. this past saturday i received a nice package from them. colognes, skin food, and creams.

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Post by flyfoxx »

I haven't receive anything as of yet. It's been four weeks since I made my request. Floris, only took four days. Oh! will I ever smell the woody scent in Spanish Leather? Will I ever smell the spices in Sandalwood? :P Perhaps not, no samples. :(

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Post by Blue As A Jewel »

I got a number of cologne samples as well as Coral & Limes Skin Foods a couple of weeks ago.

I think I had initally contacted them back in April when they advised they were out of samples.

Got to give them credit though - they did remember!
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Post by Classyjack »

Nathan: I couldn't believe it, but I did finally get a nice sample envelope from Trumper's. Included all of their leading scents along with half a dozen small vials of shave creams. Very nice. Was it worth the wait and the hocking (a NY term)? I'm not so sure, but nice, nonetheless. Best, John.
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Post by reginald-van-gleason »

I got mine a couple of weeks ago, but no shaving creams or skin care (I mentioned it when I requested samples but I just got colognes)

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Post by rtaylor61 »

T&H seemed to bend over backwards to provide samples. And while I did eventually get my Trumpers samples, I felt they were a bit rude. Regardless, I do love their products and will buy them.

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Post by bebosky »

I got my Trumper's free samples in like probably a week.
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Post by Bastida »

I got eleven cologne samples two weeks ago. About one and a half months since I asked for them.

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Post by JackieMartling »

Well heck, I asked for mine over three months ago - close to four, actually - and I have seen neither hide nor hair of them. And I asked for them twice. I'd be really bugged, except I found a place in Portland, Oregon that carries all of the Trumper colognes in house and has testers, so I was able to smell what I wanted of theirs. Still, it would be nice to have phials so I can re-try certain things, and smell them by themselves, rather than at the same time I'm smelling everything else. I don't know if it's worth contacting Trumpers again or not. I like their products, but right now I am not terribly enamored of their customer service. Too bad I don't like T&H products more, because as Randy mentioned, they are extremely helpful. I got their samples in a few days after requesting them.
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Post by reginald-van-gleason »

Nathan, definitley contact them again, I emailed for my samples about a month and 1/2 ago, and they arrived within a few weeks. I never had any issues with their customer service, I guess its just luck of the draw. Although they did not include some of the scents I wanted to try (Spanish leather, Eucris) and I wrote back to them asking if they could send those particular ones out and they did.

If you don't feel that its below you, trying throwing a few compliments there way ("I've heard such wonderful things about your incredible scents..." etc, etc) it makes it that much harder for them to be rude or ignore you... it worked for me, anyway.

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Post by Cliff »

I emailed Trumpers asking for samples three months ago. I received a pleasantly worded email from some woman (don't remember name) from Trumpers stating that they were currently out of samples but that my name would be added to "the list" and when samples arrived they would immediately be sent out. Seven weeks went by and I was thinking that Trumpers had blown me off. One day, I arrived home to a large package loaded with samples. I'm now working my way throught them. I guess good things come to those who wait.
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Post by verve »

I asked Trumper's by email recently whether they could send me some samples of their fragrances, and they replied almost immediately saying "yes". The samples arrived within 3-4 working days. And hey, I live in Australia and these were posted from the UK. This is excellent customer service by anyone's standards.

Trumper's sent me 6 samples. OK, it's not the full range, but these are freebies after all and Trumper's were picking up the postage costs between Australia and the UK, which are not that cheap.

As for the scents themselves - well, you really have to try them yourself to appreciate the quality of much of this stuff. These are very high end products. I've now gone ahead and ordered full bottles of 3 Trumper's fragrance - GFT, Sandalwood and Eau de Portugal. What I like about the Trumper's fragrances is that they all smell so "natural", as opposed to something concocted in a chemical laboratory by a bloke in a white coat. There have none of the jarring synthetic overtones I detect in so many recent, yet popular, men's fragrances.

Trumper's Sandalwood simply blows me out the water. In terms of smoothness, sensuality and voluptuousness, this ranks with the best fragrances I've ever smelled.
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