Why do you or don't you like adjustables?

Thoughts and input on anything related to wet shaving or men's grooming.
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Post by desertbadger »

Hi, Richard!
This is what I'm shaving with tomorrow. :D Still Friends? :P
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Post by rustyblade »

desertbadger wrote:Hi, Richard!
This is what I'm shaving with tomorrow. :D Still Friends? :P
Make sure you put a blade in it though (unlike in the picture)! :lol:
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Post by Rufust445 »

TBoner wrote:
I like my long-handled adjustable because the weight, balance, and handle length work better for me than a standard Superspeed (so does the head geometry, but that varies among different eras of SS and adjustables). In general, adjustables (at least from Gillette) are a bit heavier than the standard SS or Tech, which may account for why some prefer them. Also, different blades seem to work better at different settings on the Super Adjustable I have; Derbys on 5 and Treets on 4, for instance. With a fixed-head, certain blades would require adjustment in technique rather than switching the dial. This is a preference issue, but I like being able to adjust the setting for different blades. Finally, I really like the Gillette Adjustables aesthetically.

What he just said, +1.
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Post by JimDandy »

Right now, I've got a couple of nice TV's and a slim loafing under the sink somewhere but my "go to" razors are a 1961 Fatboy and a 1974 long black handled adjustable. These are always set at either 5 or 6 depending on the number of shaves on the blade, how my skin feels, how much time I have to shave, whether or not the wind is out of the South and other nonsense. I do a two pass shave - once WTG and once ATG followed by blade buffing as needed. I only use Feathers, and I never ask for more than two shaves out of a blade. (Just an aside here, fellows. I figure it costs me about 30 cents a day to get an absolutely perfect shave. That's about a fifth of the price of a medium cup of coffee and I never balk at paying for that, either. I'm worth every penny.) :lol:

Lately I've been shaving a lot more often with a Japanese style Feather RG I got from Bruno (Thanks, again). This has me thinking more and more about the exciting world of conventional straights. Oh yeah... been looking at lots of candy on the web and selling myself on what a great idea this is. I'm finishing school in four weeks and almost have myself believing that I deserve to drop just over 3 short yards on a nice setup. You know, a "reward" raztionalization. Gotta resist that one. No, wait! "I'm worth every penny!" :D


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Post by bernards66 »

Ah...I see that Richard felt the need to re-up his credentials as one of our most accomplished curmudgeons....well done, Richard!

Anyway...adjustables? Well, in the past most of the debate here has been in the context of their desireability for newcomers. One school held that the adjustable feature allowed the newbie to experiment with different degrees of 'aggressiveness' without having to buy a whole parcel of razors. The other school maintained that newbies would ( being male ) inherently tinker constantly with the settings and in so doing, slow up their learning curve, and maybe even mess themselves up. I never took a really strong stance on this either way.

I bought a new Gillette LH adjustable and that was my razor from 1964 until well into this decade, with only brief side trips to try various cartridges, disposibles, an electric, etc. I bought a TV Superspeed in the early '90s but hardly ever used it until the last few years. But somewhere around four years ago I started to get increasingly attracted to the older set blade Superspeed ilk of razors. I'm not sure why, other than that they were being talked about alot on the forums at that time, and I found my old TV model had a shave very like my adjustable set on 3.....which is where I'd learned to set it over the years. Anyway since that time I've been using that TV model, the original SS, and a couple of fancier English variants; the HD Rocket and the Model #58. I do like the simplicity of them and have now grown accustomed to the shorter handles. But just today, for some reason, I dragged out the LH adjustable, and, you know, I just might go back to it.....it certainly was always a trusty friend to me. My orginal one went through the wringer with me, and still never failed and never a lick of a problem despite massive neglect and abuse. To me, it's the very best DE adjustable ever made, and I know at least a few serious Gillette freaks and collectors who agree.

The Progress is the only Merkur razor I've tried that really worked well for me. Oh sure, I can use the fixed blade models and it's okay, but the Progress is the only one that really did it for me. I've never actually bought one though because I still prefer the Gillette. I set my Gillette on 3 and always use the Swedish Gillette blades....or vintage Wilkinson 'Light Brigade' numbers if I can get them.
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