Where can I buy Lavender and Rose SC in paraben free?

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Where can I buy Lavender and Rose SC in paraben free?

Post by chris1978 »

Where can I buy the fresh Lavender and Rose shaving creams in tub or tube at online retail store that has no paraben? I want to get D.R. Harris, TOBS Rose and Lavender SC. I love D.R. Harris Lavender. It so good. I haven't try D.R. Rose yet but I will.

The problem is I don't know which online store that Shaving creams has parabens or not. Do I have to buy D.R. Harris or TOBS shaving ceams directly from U.K. site or the U.S.? Can you check the ingredients for D.R. Harris, T&H and TOBS for me. I want to make sure about this.

Is T&H SC are in parabens or parabens free? I check some of the online retail store that doesn't tell you that is in parabens or paraben free. I'm very confuse about this.

Is this true that D.R. Harris and TOBS are now in parabens free?

Can you help me?

Chris A
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Post by brothers »

Chris, you can get paraben free TOBS at several places, but my first choice would be Connaught Shaving. The direct approach would probably be your best approach in determining whether any particular vendor carries paraben free products. By that, I mean you need to send an email and you will receive a prompt reply from any vendor, in addition to T&H, Harris, and TOBS websites. It takes an email, and you're done. Good luck with your quest for information. No doubt some of the guys here at SMF might know the answers to all of your questions. I'm sure they'll be along soon to help out.

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Post by loueedacat1 »

the classic shaving house brand creams might not have parabens.
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