Worst single shave???!!!

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Post by harper »

Gary, you could be a bit gentler on an old man with an apparently faltering memory and written something like "I am sure you meant Power ProGlide" which, of course, is what I meant. And I do remember the Chevy Power Glide two-speed which was pretty bad. Anyway, I am old enough to remember that toward the end of WW2 all you could get were Gillette Brown blades and they were pretty damn bad. Those are the blades I first began to shave with and as I recall they maintained their edge for about half a shave.
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Post by Squire »

It's incredible what a new shaver can learn just by listening to the conversation around here.
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Post by Trout Whisperer »

It may have been one of my first shaves with a double-edge razor, where I proceeded to use a bad BiC blade. It was the first BiC I had tried, so I did not know what to expect from them. I discovered later that razor blades generally do not leave my skin hacked and bleeding, including the other BiC's in that package.

Or it could have been the first shave with a Case Red Imp. I spent at least two hours honing that thing, and I was fairly certain it would shave. Nope. Dull as a butter knife!
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Post by brothers »

harper wrote:Gary, you could be a bit gentler on an old man with an apparently faltering memory and written something like "I am sure you meant Power ProGlide" which, of course, is what I meant. And I do remember the Chevy Power Glide two-speed which was pretty bad. Anyway, I am old enough to remember that toward the end of WW2 all you could get were Gillette Brown blades and they were pretty damn bad. Those are the blades I first began to shave with and as I recall they maintained their edge for about half a shave.
Bob, my brain is in the process of trying to get dialed back to "0", so at the end it'll be back where it all started, I suppose, so in this case I just knew that was the most recent forgotten detail in my world. I love the similarities between our razors and our cars. Super Speed is often interpreted as Super Sport, for example.

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Post by 2clfrwrds »

My worst ever was the shave when I learned that the foils on electric razors eventually wear out and get big holes in them - at which point the vibrating cutters are exposed directly to your skin. I didn't know what was going on the first time, and I finished the shave. I might as well have been shaving with a belt sander.

Glad I use a safety razor now; those electrics are dangerous!

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Power Glide transmission

Post by slackskin »

Harper -- I remember the Muncie 3-speed being far superior to the Power glide transmission. Thanks for the memory
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Post by brothers »

Surprisingly, the factory continued to use the ancient 2 speed PG up to the early '70s, when it was finally replaced by the excellent Turbo-hydramatic 4 speed (3 speed auto + OD).

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Post by dadwasright »

Worst shave ever was using Caswell Massey cream. I have tried almost every cream known to man and this is the only one that burned. Plus, the shave was terrible. Run, do not walk, from this brand's creams.

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Post by Gene »

Worst for me was in the 1970's, and like others here it was a serious cut with a regular super speed.

I was not aware of anything interesting, zen or fun about a shave back then. Weepers were the norm; the first shave with a new blade was more painful than the others (but not by a lot).

One morning I lost my concentration for a few seconds and sliced myself pretty bad. Took a long time to heal.

Probably why I was so excited when the Trac-II came out.

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Post by RazorRamone »

As a newbie, using a Fatboy with its settings wide open and a Feather blade.

Combine the above with poorly applied Proraso and splashes of Old Spice aftershave.

Result: My neck looked like hamburger for a week after.
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Post by Gareth »

Mine was actually only a month ago so is very fresh in my mind.

I had decided to sample some very blunt Wilkinson Sword DE blades that I had lying around. It probably didn't help that it was 4am and I was rushing to get to the airport, but the main issue was definitely that the blade simply wasn't up to the job. It took 5 days of shaving abstinence to heal.

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Post by Esoteric83 »

AOS unscented cream and then balm after an agressive, basically under experienced attempt at BBS with my HD and a Merkur blade. The cream had an awkward smell, that I liken to a dentist office, that i'll never forget!

The shave itself was terrible despite a decent lather from the AOS, but it was no match for the agressive strokes I was taking. Several weepers, rash and stubble in the usual tough spots. I slathered on some of the AOS unscented balm and it just wouldn't absorb or do anything for redness, whose presence was in full force well into the afternoon.

That whole day, I could not wait to get home and wash my face to get rid of the greasy feeling from the balm. It was also uber hot out, which didn't help. I must have looked like a zitty faced kid that just learned to shave.

I had another similar experience, but the shave was OK, just the AS product I used was horrible. The Jack Black AS balm was the single most stickiest product I've used. Simply ruined an OK shave.
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Post by ScottB »

Worst ever?

I bought a fairly sizeable number Bic Metal razors on Amazon for use when traveling etc. I had read some good reviews here and elsewhere.

My God they are bad. I mean they're something like shaving with a piece of broken glass for me.

Some of you guys have gotten packages from me when trading etc and I always throw a half-dozen Bic Metals in for good measure. Its not like I'm trying to hurt anyone but I figure that somewhere out there is someone who likes the Bic Metal and I am quite eager to be rid of them.

If I need something locally available that works well I pick up a few Bic Sensitive. They're single-blade and I can get a very good shave with them albeit with more down-pressure and a few ATG passes.
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Post by Squire »

I thought of another one, morning of my second marriage. Shave wasn't that bad, just everybody yelling at me to hurry up so it took about three times as long.
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Post by brothers »

You're right about that. It just about ruins it when I've got this voice in the other room telling me to hurry.

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Post by 1afc »

How about Today!

I was getting some good shaves out of some Astra Super Platinums but then I went back to an Astra Premium. Certainly didn't feel as good and my face certainly had more razor burn.


The following day I used a Feather (which I had successfully used before) and I really felt it


I had heard about the alum blocks. I didn't have one of them but I had a stypic stick and thought i'd use that to rub over my face.

I think the neighbors dog started howling in sympathy


I had some on my finger and touched my eye. NOT A GOOD IDEA.

Yes I certainly remember my worst shave..

I went to the avatar shop but they'd sold out!!
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Post by jww »

Squire wrote:It's incredible what a new shaver can learn just by listening to the conversation around here.
As do some of us more "experienced" shavers as well. :wink:

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Post by never2close »

Worst shave. That's easy. I had just started using a de razor and I thought I was an expert. Bought a pack of Feathers and took them and my Merkur HD on a business trip to LA. After what I thought was an acceptable shave in the hotel I left for an important presentation I was making to a large group of people. The host called me aside after my presentation and offered a homeopathic remedy for my skin condition. I was so embarrassed and realized my shave went considerably worse than I had thought. It took me years before I used a Feather blade again.
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Post by Jonnieboy61 »

For me it was a tuesday morning a long time ago and I had a job interview and I was set to try out my new Merkur Vision razor that I had received the day before. In my haste I never read the leaflet that came with it and had the adjustment set to most agressive setting, resulting in nicks all over....too late to recover the situation even with with the styptic.

I could feel the interviewer smirking at me as he asked the questions, which made me feel even more uncomfortable. Not long after that I sold the razor even though it was my fault for not taking the time with it.

On a positive note I did get the job.
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Post by joe mcclaine »

My one and only shave with a Laser blade.

It was so dull it was actually putting whiskers back ON my face.
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