Choose Two Per Season?

What kind of fragrances do you prefer?
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Post by never2close »

I would rather be water boarded than have to choose 2 frags per season. I have a solid 20 per season.........
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Post by RazorRamone »

Although this post originated in 2006, I have read Bargepole's post several times.

Unfortunately, my rarest cologne is in an Avon bottle shaped as a goose. :lol:
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Post by river1 »

never2close wrote:I would rather be water boarded than have to choose 2 frags per season. I have a solid 20 per season.........
I think that you are the winner..maybe five or six for me?
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Post by bernards66 »

Tim, Yeah, it's a good ole thread and that photo and story Michael posted makes it worth revisiting now and again all by themselves. My list(s) is not much different than I posted in '06 except that Floris No 89 has been ruined in the interum. I do have a bottle of the newer version but you'll note that it NEVER shows up in my SOTD posts. That kind of says it all in regard to that. And, of course, there are still only two 'seasons' here but if there were four, and taking into account what is currently available:

Spring; Penhaligon's English Fern ( Trumpers Lavender Water if I absolutely could NOT spend the money for EF )

Summer; Taylors No 74 Victorian Lime and SMN Russian Cologne

Autumn; Trumpers Spanish Leather and Taylors Sandalwood

Winter; again Trumpers Spanish Leather ( or the old T&H version if I could find any ) and maybe Penhaligon's Hammam Bouquet

I've really settled into only about four or five colognes that I wear at all regularly.
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Post by TRBeck »

Michael's story really is a gem.

Sam, 2 Man is good, but I get headaches. That's why it's out for me. OTOH, I've been reconsidering GIT lately.

In fact, Gordon, I settled into a single cologne for a while, but have recently started wearing some favorites from the recesses of the shave goods I never unboxed after we moved. I think about 4-5 is a good number. Beyond that, I find that when I'm wearing something that's not in that handful of favorites, I wish I were. Why keep the extras around?

I'd count the central Texas year as three seasons: summer, windy not-summer, and humid not-summer. I could easily get by with:

Vettiveru year-round
Live Jazz for summer
Tam Dao for windy not-summer
Oxford & Cambridge for humid not-summer

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Post by DEF »

What are the odds that on the improbable occasion of my stopping by, I would improbably find this old thread bumped to the top?

I have since diverted most of my focus and cash to other hobbies, while cruising along on a sizable cache of goods acquired in the 2006-11 time frame. My needs are simpler, now -- Penhaligons English Fern mostly whenever, the original Woods of Windsor when it's cool, Harris Traditional or Truefitt West Indian Limes when it's warm, and Aramis Tuscany when I want to be contemporary but retain some self respect. I have several others in my drawer but for the most part leave them alone.

Today was to have been a Penhaligons Castile day, but I had somehow transposed that one and Blenheim in the drawer, blindly pulled out the bottle and sprayed. My first thought was, "My God, this stuff has turned," followed quickly by, "Wait a minute, I know that one..."

EDIT: And how long has it been since we had a DEF post under a Tim post? I think we just tore a hole in spacetime -- Rooney finests and Coates creams are raining out of a radiant crack in my ceiling.
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Post by Craig_From_Cincy »

Nice to see you on SMF Doug.

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Post by TRBeck »


Great to see you, my man! I think I owe you a debt of gratitude for getting me interested in fragrances with your "niche-based" cologne thread years back. I didn't stop experimenting for some time after that.

Like you I've settled down a bit (I laughed out loud at your comment about our back-to-back posts), though I still go through phases of experimentation with shave stuff. Fragrances are a narrower path for me now.

Blenheim would indeed be a shock if you were expecting Castile, though I suspect nothing would stun you so much as pulling out your Yatagan without knowing it.

Anyway, great to see you here, Doug, even if it's just a drive-by. Hope your shaves are good and your life and family are great.

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Post by brothers »

It's nice to see you dropping by Doug.

SOTD 99%: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, soaps & creams, synthetic / badger brushes, Colonial General razor, Kai & Schick blades, straight razors any time, Superior 70 aftershave splash + menthol + 444
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Post by EL Alamein »

Great to see you, Doug. Hope you are fairing well and that you drop by more often.

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Re: Choose Two Per Season?

Post by Sam »

Interesting thread to read again:

I am now down to these scents:

year Round: Creed Green Irish tweed.
Winter and fall: Chanel Coromandel and Serge Lutens Chergui
Maybe year round, but definitely cooler weather (maybe not in the heat of the summer): Tauer L'Air du Desert Morocain

looking at a new scent also
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Re: Choose Two Per Season?

Post by brothers »

I'm not accustomed to placing a lot of emphasis on wearing a fragrance, seems that I tried it in high school, the days when a boy becomes a man, and my lifelong habit has been to use whatever I had on the shelf when or if I wanted to put on a dab of something for a date or something. I do recall that I personally garnered far more pleasure from the fragrance a young woman was wearing "for me", than I did from anything I might splash on. That was selfish of me, I admit. Just typing the above sentence brought back a memory or two of a light perfume . . .

Back to reality, at this stage of things, I'm not sophisticated enough for seasonal, I just have what I have, and there are a great many on the shelves I will never use, and don't know what to do with them. The ones I use are Pinaud Clubman, sorry guys, and I guess if there's another one, it might be, uh, well, every once in a while, Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum, because I do like them. I'm pretty lame in this department, I suppose. Third and fourth in line are Aqua Velva Frost Lime and Penhaligon's English Fern. To each his own, and that's it for me!

SOTD 99%: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, soaps & creams, synthetic / badger brushes, Colonial General razor, Kai & Schick blades, straight razors any time, Superior 70 aftershave splash + menthol + 444
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Re: Choose Two Per Season?

Post by Araner »

Gary, Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum is an excellent choice to use as cologne; but for goodness sake don't splash it on your freshly shaven face, it'll light you up like a flame thrower! At least that's my experience.

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Re: Choose Two Per Season?

Post by brothers »

Too late, Mike! As they say, been there, done that, and you're exactly right about the flames :shock: .

SOTD 99%: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, soaps & creams, synthetic / badger brushes, Colonial General razor, Kai & Schick blades, straight razors any time, Superior 70 aftershave splash + menthol + 444
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