Polsilver Super Iridium

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Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by BeatlesFan »

Over the past few shaves, I've been checking out the Polsilver Super Iridium. I hadn't realized that I had a 5-pack lurking at the back of my shelf, and was pleasantly surprised when it turned up serendipitously. Decided to give one a test-drive.

My usual blade is the Personna Hospital Use, which I rate very highly indeed. However, I would have to say that the Polsilver Super Iridium appears to me to be just as good. Sharp, smooth, comfortable, close, you name it, it does it all (except I haven't used it long enough to find out about longevity, but I'm not very interested in that factor anyway.) I've gotten simply outstanding shaves from the SI, with no hint of irritation and not even the tiniest of weepers.

What I'd have to say about both the Polsilver Super Iridium and the Personna Hospital Use is that, IMO, they are peers of the "Golden Era" blades from the 1970's-80's, or whenever. In fact, I have a pretty good supply of Gillette Platinum Plus laid in, and truthfully I like both of these blades just as well.

I think that razor blades are really the "weak link" in our little hobby, in the sense that there are loads of pretty second-rate DE blades around. But it's nice to know that, at least as regards Polsilver Super Iridium and the Hospital Use, we're STILL in the "Golden Era"!

QUESTION: Anybody out there tried the Gillette Silver Blues against either the Polsilver Super Iridium or the Hospital Use? I'm reading lots of great stuff about the Silver Blue's, and I'm wondering how they stack up against other top DE blades on the market today . . .
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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by CMur12 »

I would add Perma-Sharp Supers to the Golden-Era-worthy blades. They are very sharp and smooth, and they are made in the same factory as the Polsilver Super Iridiums.

I have over 3000 blades in reserve, so I haven't bought or tried any new blades for awhile. Like you, I really like the Personna Hospital Use/Med Prep blades. I also have 500 of the original Super Iridium blades that I bought a long time ago and haven't really used. I haven't tried the newer Polsilver Super Iridiums to see how they compare. (Some say they are the same and some say they aren't.)

The only vintage blade that I still think stands out from all the rest are the Personna 74s. I have a little stash of these and I would dearly like to get more, but I'm not willing to pay the prevailing prices for them.

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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by ShadowsDad »

I believe I tried the silvers and found them not right for me.

I agree with what has been written re: the Med Preps, Perma-Sharps, and the PIs. I'm pretty sure have 2 types of Perma-Sharps and they are both excellent blades.

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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by brothers »

Once I had determined the Personna HU blades worked so well for me, I got a few hundred. Then I compared them to the others mentioned above, and found them all pretty much equal in performance and longevity. I fought the urge to stockpile the SI and Perma Sharps, and started reading good things about Kai DE blades. It turned out they too work just about as well as the Hospital Use blades, and ended up with a modest supply of Kais, supplemented by similar quantities of vintage Gillette Super Stainless, and Swedes. These are my Golden - Era blades and will serve in good stead well beyond my shaving days.

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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by The Seeker »

BeatlesFan wrote:QUESTION: Anybody out there tried the Gillette Silver Blues against either the Polsilver Super Iridium or the Hospital Use? I'm reading lots of great stuff about the Silver Blue's, and I'm wondering how they stack up against other top DE blades on the market today . . .
I have tried all three and found the Polsilvers performed best for me. That being said, the other two were very close behind. All three were pretty much as sharp as one another, but the Polsilvers were the smoothest in my experience.
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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by kingfisher »

for me the Polsilver blades are in a league of their own. I bought 200 of them. they are sharp and smooth in equal measure. there are virtually no duds.
As for longevity, at first I used them for 4 shaves and then tossed them. over time I lengthened out the number of shaves without any noticeable degradation in the quality of the shaves. Now I get between 9 and 12 shaves per blade. Just had shave 11 on one of them this morning.
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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by BeatlesFan »

My first test with the Polsilver Super Iridium was in a 1970 Super Adjustable set at "3," which, as I posted, immediately showed me that these blades are clearly in the front rank among DE blades.

Today I tested a fresh Polsilver Super Iridium in my 1956 Gillette Red Tip. The word that comes to mind for the shave was "exemplary." As is typical for me with my Red Tip, it makes "quick work" of shaving, requiring fewer passes for an extremely close and very comfortable shave. This shave just great in every category, and fully on par with any other blade I've ever used in the Red Tip.

Which confirms my initial impression of these blades. I'll definitely order more. If it can perform this well, and do so with a variety of DE razors, well, it's time for me to stock up! I think I'll buy 100 of these and another 100 Personna Hospital Use blades . . . added to my vintage stock, that'll surely last me a goodish while!
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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by jww »

I have found the Gillette Blue Silvers to be close equals to the Polsilvers which have become my favourite of all blades -- including a Feather with a Gillette Tech which is one of my favourite razor/blade combos of all time.

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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by BeatlesFan »

Regarding GSB's . . . now you've gone and complicated things! Maybe I'll have to get a sample of those to try before I bulk buy!
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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by jaguar »

I'll join the ranks of those who have high praise for Iridium Supers, Polsilver Super Iridium, Personna Hospital Use, Personna Prep, Perma-Sharp Supers, and Kai DE blades. They have slightly different performance characteristics but all are excellent. I also have a good supply of Gillette Silver Blue blades. For me, they are very good performing blades, however I would rate them a step below the above referenced blades.
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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by Squire »

So would I jag, I like the Gillettes but they are slightly edged out by the others.
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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by BeatlesFan »

I decided to buy Polsilver Super Iridiums in bulk, and samples of the Silver Blues and the Kais.

I also would've bought Personna Hospital Use in bulk, but WCS was out of stock. I'm getting a bit low on those, but still have sufficient for the moment. I'll re-order when WCS replenishes their inventory.

Even if I end up not liking the Kais or the GSBs, I'm going to be well covered for quite awhile with Personna Hospital Use and Polsilver Super Iridiums.

First time pretty much ever that I have felt the currently mfg'd blades left me without a hankering to chase top vintage blades -- a great feeling. I'm telling you, gents, this little hobby of ours is catching on and is here to stay!!
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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by jww »

I remember when I started with a DE razor, I bought my blades in Walmart b&m -- settling for the Personna before I had any real idea of the vast array of options. I remember buying a supply of Derby Extras, them moving on to Feathers. I still have some sample packs that aren't fully "sampled" yet --- yet I admit that the Polsilver and GSB have become my go-to blades.

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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by Squire »

Perhaps not exactly the correct thread but it seems appropriate to post here I found a pack of Polsilver blades purchased about 10 years ago and used one this morning. Wow, I had forgotten how good these things are. Very sharp, smooth and as comfortable as any I remember using. Quite a treat.
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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by BPman »

BeatlesFan wrote:...QUESTION: Anybody out there tried the Gillette Silver Blues against either the Polsilver Super Iridium or the Hospital Use? I'm reading lots of great stuff about the Silver Blue's, and I'm wondering how they stack up against other top DE blades on the market today . . .

Yes, I have. The best DE blade today IMO is the Gillette Rubie Platinum Plus with the Gillette Nacet Stainless a close second. Both are modern blades made in Russia by Gillette. The Silver Blue & Gillette Platinum are =< as well. The metallurgy of today is light years ahead of 1970's blades as well as coatings.
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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by Squire »

Indeed the Russians make some very good blades, along with a lot of average stuff. I would also say some are on a par with heritage blades yet for me the classics from the 70s still set the standard. Particularly surprising how good they still are considering their age.
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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by Brutus »

Squire wrote:Particularly surprising how good they still are considering their age.
Just like us baby-boomers... :wink:
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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by Squire »

Yeah, improving with age we are.
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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by BeatlesFan »

The Silver Blue & Gillette Platinum are =< as well. The metallurgy of today is light years ahead of 1970's blades as well as coatings.
I have no idea if that is true or not, but I can say that it is certainly surprising and runs counter to the day-to-day experiences of many SMF members who have used both vintage and current DE blades. Many of us find the blades from "back in the day" to be exceptionally good, and matched in quality only by a handful of current production DE blades, if any.

What evidence can you point to in support of the idea that metallurgy and blade coatings today are better than 40-50 years ago?
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Re: Polsilver Super Iridium

Post by BPman »

BeatlesFan wrote:...What evidence can you point to in support of the idea that metallurgy and blade coatings today are better than 40-50 years ago?

A secret inside source. :wink:
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