Looking for mild TTO or three piece safety razor

Let's talk about single and double edged razors and the blades that they use.
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Looking for mild TTO or three piece safety razor

Post by chris1978 »

I'm looking for mild butterfly or three pieces razor on Gillette DE or modern razors like Edwin Jagger and Mule . I've been using my Gillette gold tech three piece for two months I think. I still have sensitive skins as well. Btw I'm still looking and watching a Gillette Blue tip super speed on eBay. I'm always want to get it so bad. I hope I will win my bid.

Here is the Gillette TTO DE razors that I want to try:

Gillette 1906 single ring open tooth

Gillette Aristocrat TTO late 40's in open comb or close comb

Gillette Sheraton Open tooth on gold

Gillette Milord in gold

Gillette ranger tech

Gillette Blue Tip Super Speed

Are these razors above are mild or not too mild to less aggressive? I'm dying to try that.

Let m know.

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Re: Looking for mild TTO or three piece safety razor

Post by brothers »

Chris, if you're looking for mild, you're on the right track with the Gillette Super Speed Blue tip razor. The others might be a bit difficult to locate. Moreso nowadays due to the influx of new wetshavers madly buying up any and all Gillettes they can get their hands on.

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Re: Looking for mild TTO or three piece safety razor

Post by CMur12 »

Chris, a US-production, post-WWII Tech like the one you have is about as mild as they come. A Blue Tip Super Speed should be similar, but I believe it has an aluminum handle, so the balance will be different.

I have two post-WWII Aristocrats (a 1946-1947 and a 1948-1950). These are both aggressive razors. Though others may not find them so, they are definitely aggressive for someone with sensitive skin, and they are aggressive compared to standard Super Speeds and Techs.

The Edwin Jaggers/Muehles are also aggressive compared to a Tech. Many consider these "mild" razors, but a Tech is much milder. With my sensitive skin, an Edwin Jagger is too aggressive for regular use. From what you have described of your journey so far, this would not likely work for you.

Though I don't have personal experience with the other Gillettes you listed, from what I have read they are all aggressive razors compared to your Tech.

The only new razor that is as mild as a Tech and is reasonably priced is the Weishi. You can find these here: http://www.shoeboxshaveshop.com/weishi-tto-razors.html

Other vendors may have Weishis, including some even less expensive ones with aluminum handles (which in my mind would not be well balanced).

A Feather AS-D1 (no longer in production) would be similarly mild to your Tech, but it is an expensive razor, even when purchased used, and it may not offer any advantage over your Tech.

Summing up, reasonable options that I see for you are a vintage Blue Tip Super Speed, a new Weishi, or perhaps you could try a heavier aftermarket handle on your Tech to vary your Tech experience. A heavier handle on the Tech would change the balance and would make the razor feel different, which you may or may not like.

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Re: Looking for mild TTO or three piece safety razor

Post by notthesharpest »

I agree that if you are looking for a mild razor like your Tech then they are all bad ideas except for the blue tip.

I like fairly aggressive razors, and I really disliked the Tech that I tried once - which shows that I mostly like the opposite razors to what you like. I've tried several of the razors on your list, and I liked just about all of them. Except for the blue tip Super Speed. :)

For you I would also consider a regular (no color) Super Speed to be a possible choice, because though it is a little bit more "aggressive" than a Tech, it is still a friendly and predictable shave.

The other thing going through my mind, though, is that on another thread about blades you were talking about getting nicks and redness. I have a theory about that. Here goes...:

I think it's possible that you're holding your razor wrong. The Gillette Tech is showing so little of the blade that even if you hold it wrong it isn't all that dangerous - it just gives a horrible shave that way, instead of giving you a cut like another razor might. Maybe your shaves have been sabotaged by the "friendliness" of the Tech allowing you to use it like a window scraper.

Think about cutting down a tree - you don't want the saw blade to ever touch the ground. If you're cutting a tree stump off very short, you have to be careful to keep good control of the saw and not let it dig in anywhere. Razor blades work in sort of the same way - you want the blade to hit your beard, not your skin.

Therefore, no matter which razor you end up using, the bar that protects you from getting cut should be away from your skin almost all the time, and the upper cap of the razor head should be hugging your face. I was "taught" that lesson by a Merkur Futur set to a high number - I "took it on the chin", quite literally. It took me a couple of days to heal from my mistake, but it was a perfectly clean straight cut by a brand new super-sharp blade, so luckily for me there's essentially no evidence of my "learning experience". :)
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Re: Looking for mild TTO or three piece safety razor

Post by LookingGlass »


The Blue Tip is mild as others have stated. Tell you what....I have a Blue Tip to give up. Cosmetically, it is not the prettiest Blue Tip going, but mechanically it s sound. The TTO is tight, the doors align and open and close smoothly. Overall a sound razor. If you want it, it is yours...free gratis. Send me your mailing address and I will get to razor in the mail to you. Your call.

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Re: Looking for mild TTO or three piece safety razor

Post by chris1978 »


What you means time blue tip is not the prettiest conditions? Is it has some wear or scratched or brass? I know that your razor good looking and shiny and work well. I'm thinking I'm might try yours but right now I'm bidding the blue tip and watching till tomorrow. Btw I'm brought the Gillette Flair tip L-3 1966 super speed at eBay. It an excellent condition. Is the flair tip is more like mild razor or is bit more aggressive? I have Gillette late 40's supper speed. Are they both the same head as mild or bit aggressive one?

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Re: Looking for mild TTO or three piece safety razor

Post by LookingGlass »


I cannot help on the other Gillette razors mentioned. Good luck with your bid.

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Re: Looking for mild TTO or three piece safety razor

Post by chris1978 »

I got two Gillette safety razors from two different eBay sellers: one is Gillette Flair Tip L-3 1966 super speed and the other one is Gillette Blue Tip A-2 1955 super speed which I won my bid. Both of them are excellent condition. I'm m very happy. Tonight I'm going to start with the blue tip. Can you anyone give safety blade on samples so that I can try? Send me PM so what kind of brand on DE blade do you have. I need a little sharp or not sharp are good for sensitive skins on the mild razor.

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Re: Looking for mild TTO or three piece safety razor

Post by BeatlesFan »

If I were advising you, I'd say skip the sampler and just go straight to using a Personna Hospital Use. Exemplary comfort; plenty sharp. Done. You already have enough variables with trying different razors. The Personna HU is a top blade and pretty generally acknowledged to be very, very smooth and comfortable. You won't be making a mistake.

Later you can branch out and try a bunch of blades (though, IMO, no matter how far you travel in your blade search, you're unlikely to find a blade better suited to sensitive skin that the HU).

Just my 5 cents/worth.
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Re: Looking for mild TTO or three piece safety razor

Post by CMur12 »

I agree with BeatlesFan about the Personna Hospital Use/Med Prep blades. Almost everyone likes these blades, as they are sharp and smooth. I would suggest you order some of these, then stick with one razor, one blade, one soap and one brush, and work on your technique. If you're getting nicked during your shaves, it is probably an issue of technique that will not be resolved by changing your brand of blade.

- Murray
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Re: Looking for mild TTO or three piece safety razor

Post by brothers »

Chris, if you'll send me a PM with your mailing address, I'll be happy to send you a few Personna hospital use blades, so you can try them out before you buy. As always, this offer is extended to anyone else who might want to try these blades.

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Re: Looking for mild TTO or three piece safety razor

Post by blantyre »

The Schick Krona is a nice fairly mild but very effective TTO razor. They turn up all the time on eBay and the forums, you should be able to find a good one for under $20. A less common 3 piece is the Apollo - it is very smooth and mild but gives a very clean shave. Personally I'm not a great fan of Gillettes, not exactly sure why but they just seem to lack something. I still use an aristocrat once in a while and enjoy it. Derby is a milder blade but I'm not much of a blade person pretty much use feathers or iridiums - both considered to be on the aggressive side.

Re: Looking for mild TTO or three piece safety razor

Post by nicodemus38 »

mild TTO, get a weishi rebrand by VDH. That's MILD. its enjoyable and good. Just take real good care of it. I MISS mine.
Second mild TTO, Gillette SUPER ADJUSTABLE. setting 3 is wonderful with a good blade.

Ive got a really nice user 65 flare tip. its the regular version and is extremely aggressive for me. 2 pass shave, no more then once a week is safe for my face.

Yet I get a mild wonderful shave from Gillette old type, 1920 new improved oc, 66 travel tech and 53 tech. and I have extremely sensitive skin and extremely coarse hair.
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