double edge vs. flexball

Let's talk about single and double edged razors and the blades that they use.
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double edge vs. flexball

Post by lunfardi »

how many of you guys think that by using a double edge safety razor you could get a closer shave than the gillette fusion proglide power with flexball plus on top of that the proshield cartridge? if so, how? im all ears............................ rsvp.
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Re: double edge vs. flexball

Post by brothers »

I'm interested in your opinion on the subject. Of course, what really matters is the individual's experiences, his perceptions and expectations. Around here, we don't dictate what others should or should not do. I think you or anyone else should determine what works best in their own situation, and go with that.

Now, having said that, there are some single edge razors and blades, currently in production, that deliver some of the closest and smoothest shaves available. Specifically, the Mongoose, the Cobra, and the OneBlade. The Mongoose and Cobra use one type of blade, and the OneBlade razor uses another, all of which are made by Feather (Japan), and others. The shaving universe is much more than just DE and cartridges, and that's a very good thing. Many guys also use vintage single edge razors that are no longer being produced. Then there are straight razors, several brands of which are still in production, and many guys including me are used to achieving some very smooth and close shaves with the straights. All of the above, including the cartridge system, are the reason the shaving forums including SMF are popular.

SOTD 99%: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, soaps & creams, synthetic / badger brushes, Colonial General razor, Kai & Schick blades, straight razors any time, Superior 70 aftershave splash + menthol + 444
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Re: double edge vs. flexball

Post by jww »

Can't get my head around cartridge vs DE any longer, although I know many can't get their heads around the other direction. My middle son, to whom I gave a cherished fat-handled Tech is of the latter camp -- he loves the soap and brush routine, but had a bad 1st experience with the Tech and hasn't gone back to it yet.

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Re: double edge vs. flexball

Post by nicodemus38 »

I just used nivea energy co Q10 shave foam in a can. has menthol in it.

and my slim. german Wilkinson sword. setting 1

I got a better shave in 2 passes and a touch up pass, then I can get with a cartridge. Sure I can get "closer" with a cartridge in the sense I get massive irritation and ingrown hairs. And suffer. But the lowly slim NEVER PLUGGED UP. Even when I went an entire pass without rinsing.

Sure I could get my heavy tech or aristocrat or fat boy out, and scrape more facial hair off. but no point. ill be looking unshaven in 5 hours.

Gillette had the regular medium weight flare, Blue Tip Flare, and Red Tip Flare.

The medium weight became the standard after the red and blue tip were discontinued. Its OK for me, have to use it every other day for skin reasons.
But the best I can describe would be that cartridges are the Most aggressive things around. You don't have one blade to worry about. You have 4, 5,or 6 to worry about. A man cant always make sure that the single blade in his de or se is going to be burr free or perfect each use. Its worse with a cartridge.
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Re: double edge vs. flexball

Post by CMur12 »

I've done well with twin-blade cartridges, with no additional irritation to my very sensitive skin, but three blades or more don't work for me, at all.

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Re: double edge vs. flexball

Post by BPman »

jww wrote:...he loves the soap and brush routine, but had a bad 1st experience with the Tech and hasn't gone back to it yet.
How on Earth could someone have a bad experience with a Tech? :shock:
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Re: double edge vs. flexball

Post by BeatlesFan »

Seems to be the same question you asked in your posting of May 28th. I've cut-and-pasted in the same answer I gave then, since it appears to be the same inquiry.

Welcome to SMF, and thank you for your question.

The idea that more blades = closer shave has been carefully cultivated by the razor industry, but I'm not aware of any scientific evidence to support that equation.

In the absence of any scientific testing of the idea that more blades = closer shave, each of us is pretty much left to our own experimentation and personal conclusions. Speaking for myself, I don't find the equation to be true. In fact, the cartridge razor that I like (Schick or Wilkinson "Hydro 3") has blades that are set back a little into the cartridge a bit, making it difficult to cut my face, but also assuring that the shave isn't honestly all that close (it's fine, but not especially close).

I find that excellent beard preparation + excellent double-edge safety razor + excellent (and new) double-edge razor blade + quality shave cream = excellent shave. And, yes, an excellent double-edge shave provides (in my experience and in my opinion -- your results and opinions may be different) as close a shave as a cartridge or "system" razor.

Consequently, I do not accept the razor advertising idea that more blades = closer shave.

As others have said, however, many men find that cartridge or "system" razors (1) give a close shave, (2) give a comfortable shave, (3) give a fast shave. In my opinion, it is #3 that sells men on the cartridges -- and it is true that you can shave very quickly with a cartridge razor. (they also are security-approved for carry-on luggage on commercial airlines, which is where I use my "Hydro 3")

Again, for myself, there are some disadvantages to cartridge shaving, such that I prefer to use a Double-edge razor. (1) They are expensive. (2) I don't like the way cream, skin, and beard debris tend to accumulate between the blades, and I worry that it is not very hygienic. (3) I find that most cartridge razors "pull" and "tug" in a way that bothers me. (4) I sometimes get ingrown hairs with cartridge razors. (5) I feel that they do a poor job around the edges of my moustache and side-whiskers, (6) I feel that they do a poor job on my chin and around my mouth, (7) they feel "plasticky" and cheap to me, (8) They are actually too easy to use: I don't like the way they encourage me to be half-asleep while shaving, (9) I don't find them to be any fun to use, (10) I like the "old-timey" historical aspect of using a double-edge razor, rather buying into than the "latest-and-greatest" thing that Gillette is trying to sell me.

Again, having said all that let's face it: cartridge razors work, and most men use them. If you prefer them, it's obviously OK. I personally find that I can shave as well (and in some ways -- edges of moustache and sideburns, as well as on my chin) better using a Double-edge razor. And I enjoy it and don't feel that I am being over-charged on $3 or $4 per cartridge replacements.

Thank you again for stopping by at Shavemyface. Great first question!
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