Beau Kreml Hair Tonic

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EL Alamein
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Beau Kreml Hair Tonic

Post by EL Alamein »

I came across this gem looking for something to keep my hair from becoming too wispy or in parlance "fly-away" (if I am correct).

I've abandoned my normal slicked back look for a more natural hair look. The problem which has arisen since Winter set in is the hair gets too wispy and out of control (I have full head). The hairs that wisp tickle my forehead like when I was a teen and thus I miss my old slicked hair as it was very controlled. But as I age I can't get away with the slicked look anymore in my profession (I believe it may look too pretentious for my age or maybe more accurately, out-of-date).

I used my old standby Groom & Clean and it is good but it doesn't dry quite right even in very low application. I could use it but I just thought I could do better.

Gary's post a long while ago about Vitalis sprung to mind as a solution, and it was (I remember using it happily as a teen). It's perfect for what I want BUT I don't appreciate what I now feel is a heavy scent (since I don't wear scent anymore I've become very sensitive). So I cast about for an alternative. Surely someone made something similar with a lighter scent. And it's true, but just one maker for what I can tell via Internet searches - Beau Kreml. It's the Barbershop version of Vitalis and it has little to no scent but nearly identical ingredients to Vitalis. It's sold by barber supply shops.

I've been using it a few weeks and it has the perfect hold for a more natural look. A few drops in wet hands as one gets out of the shower and applies it to towel dried damp hair is all one needs. Once it dries it looks a little wet but with a run through of the comb the hair settles into a more natural look. Hard to tell if there's anything at all in it but there are no wispy hairs and everything stays put unless the wind runs her fingers through your hair. Even then just a combing puts it all back in place.

A side benefit is that the hair is slightly darkened and grey hairs are minimized. My now slightly greying mane looks more youthful. Other than looking younger in my work station in life it's not a huge plus as I'm happily married with five kids.

In short if anyone likes Vitalis but doesn't care for the scent this is the stuff.

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Re: Beau Kreml Hair Tonic

Post by CMur12 »

Chris, we had a large bottle of this at our house when I was a child and I used it at that time. :)

I'm surprised that you can still get it.

- Murray
EL Alamein
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Re: Beau Kreml Hair Tonic

Post by EL Alamein »

Murray, yep me too. And at this point I'm grateful.

I'd put it above most hair tonics I've used for the purpose I intend.

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Re: Beau Kreml Hair Tonic

Post by brothers »

Very interesting! I'll definitely check it out. A few years back I switched from Vitalis to Nancy Boy styling cream, which I am soon running out of.

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EL Alamein
Posts: 3102
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Re: Beau Kreml Hair Tonic

Post by EL Alamein »

Gary, it's identical to Vitalis in performance. Just the scent is different. After applying I can't smell it after ten minutes.

Probably a repeat of what I've said but just to be clear that it's not better in terms of performance.

Hope that helps.

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