Well, trip to the Internist for yearly physical and...

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Well, trip to the Internist for yearly physical and...

Post by Sam »

According to BMI, I am obese. I told him I wanted to go back to being fat, lol. Just a little bit bigger around the belly. So I downloaded the MYFITNESSPAl app and log all of my food in. Amazed at what it shows as far as calories, sodium, cholesterol. If daily intake is to be 2000 calories, I set it at 1670 to lose a pound a week. Down like 8 lbs in 6 weeks. And working out at a gym. Find that the Life Fitness elliptical trainer burns more calories in same amount of time that would a recumbant or regular bike machine and still a little more than the treadmill given my pace on a treadmill. I can tell that the heartrate is up on the elliptical and I sweat more. Also have been lifting weights a bit on machines as I read that muscle burns more calories than fat and men over 60 need to lift weights. Also have had two yoga classes. In 45 days, I have missed like 6 or 7, all because of being out of town and one because I was tired. Try to work out to burn 350 calories on the elliptical and then do anywhere from 120 to more reps using weights. Some machines, I do 3 sets of 10, and others, one set of 10. One machine I do crunches on with weights, and then some I focus on strengthening my back and core. My goal is to get down from a 38 waist to 34, and that means losing I think another 12 to 17 lbs.
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Re: Well, trip to the Internist for yearly physical and...

Post by ShadowsDad »

Good luck with your weight loss. I goes on lots easier than it comes off! Since you're exercising you could be building muscle so don't only go by weight loss since muscle is heavier than fat. Instead go by waist size, etc.

I was plateaued after losing 20 # but my goal was losing an additional 40#. It wasn't happening. So I put my self into ketosis and I'm losing again. Mt Dr asked what I was eating and I told him meat and veggies and he commented that If I wasn't eating carbs or fat then I had to be burning protein. Except my urine tests positive for ketosis (fat burning ketones) he forgot about all the fat I have stored up waiting for these days. By design my body is literally eating the stored fat for energy. I had to learn a new way to eat and cook, but it's happening. Now my goal of 150-160# looks very doable, but nothing is carved in stone. I intend to listen to my body, but ketosis is a natural bodily function. Don't confuse ketosis with ketoacidosis which diabetics get and is extremely dangerous.

Some books that I've found helpful are:
Food:WTF should I eat? by Hyman
The New Body Type Guide by Berg

The last book deals with diet and exercise based on body type. If one has a body type unsuited to the exercise done one can actually put on fat instead of removing it is the premise of the book. For instance with my body type I respond best to intense effort for a minute, then rest for 5, do that for 7 reps. It says to get my heartbeat up to 120-130 but that's not happening yet. Anyway, I'm trying it.

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Re: Well, trip to the Internist for yearly physical and...

Post by Sam »

Thank you for the book referrals. On the elliptical, I am getting more than 75 % of my heartrate number (220 minus 60 and then 75% is 120). Sometimes I average almost 130.
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Re: Well, trip to the Internist for yearly physical and...

Post by brothers »

Ketosis works for me.

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Re: Well, trip to the Internist for yearly physical and...

Post by EL Alamein »

brothers wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2019 3:12 pm Ketosis works for me.
Same for me.

Brian nice write up about diet. I also try to eat just meat and vegetables at most meals.

I myself lean towards southern French food for my desired meals. The recipes in my books are very ketogenic. It's also nice that they are very flavorful and makes one easily satisfied. My downfall is sweets which the Mrs. likes to make on many an occasion and, truth be told, I do too. When I abstain from these I start loosing weight.

One thing that I will caution on, for a very small minority of folks, is that when some people, like myself, enter ketosis alcohol and tobacco tolerance goes through the floor. I usually enjoy a cocktail and a cigar after dinner and when I enter ketosis I find I rocked like a teen in college after a bender while trying to enjoy this. It's quite annoying.

After I've leveled off and regularly eat my southern French diet for a few weeks I find all is well again. I also loose any cravings for sweets.

Just a heads-up for anyone who enjoys a little tipple and tobacco when they are planning on a ketogenic diet.

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Re: Well, trip to the Internist for yearly physical and...

Post by ShadowsDad »

I stopped drinking too Chris. Ketosis and alcohol don't mix IMO. Too many calories that don't come from fat and that's just the alcohol w/o considering any mixers. Now my before dinner drinks are lime juice sweetened with monk fruit extract and a TBL of cider vinegar, seltzer to fill the glass. It might not sound good but it works for me. Monk fruit extract doesn't like being wet with water, so I add some alcohol to the bottom of the glass with an eyedropper. I want to get away from even that little bit so I'm on the prowl for something else to use. I did learn that the liquor store doesn't take returns on unopened bottles. I'll save them for guests. It's not like I can't have any alcohol, I just don't want to unless it's something really special. When I told my Dr that I quit it was like he couldn't believe it..."Any problems?". I thought about it and realized that the medical community in general thinks everyone who drinks is an alcoholic, at least in their mind. I drank because I liked the taste and the euphoria. I never drank to excess, never drove after drinking or did anything dangerous, could stop at any time, and did. On Aug' 29th I had my last before bed toddys and on the afternoon of the 30th I decided I was done, just like that.

I still have my "sweets" but they take the form of Cacao at >70% for low carbs, and Enlightened Ice Cream at <1g of carbs per 1/2 cup serving. But if one ate the entire pint it would still be less than 4g of carbs. Eventually I'm going to try my hand at making my own cacao "bars" with cacao nibs and erythritol for 0 carbs.

I didn't get to be a great baker by not liking bread and baked desserts, but they are no longer on the menu. I made keto pancakes the other day that would pass for the wheat flour version if no one was told what they were. They were so good they didn't even need low carb syrup. I just added some additional grass fed butter on them and that's all they needed.

I have been missing noodles but recently discovered shiritaki noodles that are very low carbs. The ones I got from Amazon have 6g of carbs in a 2 serving bag. They are very different from pasta since they require special handling and no cooking, but they make a decent Alfredo and lo-mein. I'm still playing with them and recipes for them.

I've made my own Mayo for years off and on, but now I make 100% of it. The last batch I used 50% EVOO and 50% MCT oil. Delicious and I finally got the eggy taste I've wanted by using dehydrated egg. It doesn't work 100% like store bought mayo, can't spread it on bread to fry a cheese sandwich, but bread is off the menu anyway. But it works great in various salads; egg, chicken, tuna, yada, yada.

Maybe we should start a keto recipe thread and let Sam get back to his thread. I dislike hijacking someone else thread.

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Re: Well, trip to the Internist for yearly physical and...

Post by Sam »

No by all means continue on with the keto. I’m enjoying reading. At this point I have not given up carbs or white bread or pasta or rice. What I try to do is look at the total calories that are coming into my body from whatever source. So if I go to McDonald’s and have a cheeseburger and that means I’m having yogurt later on in the day to balance it out. My goal each day is to eat 1670 cal or less and then any exercise I do just subtract from that figure . However I am interested in learning about the keto. I am finding that I am very deficient in Protein on a daily basis. I tried to use a protein powder that came from plant sources and when I mixed it with cold water it just clumped up and it tasted terrible
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Re: Well, trip to the Internist for yearly physical and...

Post by fallingwickets »

there's been a lot of chatter lately that bmi is bs which works for me because accordingly im either a fat piglet or an elite athlete :D :D :D

unfortunately losing weight and staying trim, but more importantly staying healthy is pretty easy; its all about calorie intake AND sugar avoidance. Im still an elite athlete, but ive lost 15 lbs (and moving along) in the past 12 months by doing nothing more than avoiding sugar, and i dont even do that properly because who in the world can give up gelato????????????? Yes, kick starting a weight loss regimen by actively avoiding certain food types will drop your weight quickly, but after that initial loss its pretty much back to square one...the truth of the matter is that most diets fail. Take the long road; eat what you want to, but just less than you do now, avoid sugar as much as you can, exercise as time allows and you'll be set for life

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Re: Well, trip to the Internist for yearly physical and...

Post by Sam »

Thanks Clive. I have noticed that the pants are not as tight in the waist. The weight has come off slowly, and I have not followed a diet, per se, as much as watching the amount of food. I mean, I could eat a Big Mac and fries and go get a cheeseburger at lunch and then at night, a steak dinner or buffet. Now, if I am going out for steak, I watch what I eat at lunch. And no more Hostess Cupcakes, though I am partial to the Trader Joe strawberry cereal bars (180 calories, thank you, lol). For too long, I ate what I wanted, when I wanted (anyone have Krystal hamburgers and fries for breakfast???) and as much (third helpings). A meal was not a meal without meat and dinner was not dinner without dessert. Now I watch the salad dressing labels. I just call it being smarter about the food.

And with exercise, I find that I like the gym over running outdoors, though I do not like the treadmill. The elliptical gives me a harder workout and I can watch the tv while working out, and I can vary the intensity. I can go to a bike or the treadmill to vary it. And no humidity. I know working out 6 days a week may be a bit much right now, but hey, better than doing nothing.

I still can not drink my coffee black, and my iced tea, Sweet and Lo (pink color wrapping) or half sweet, half unsweet. Diet coke or Diet Dr. Pepper. laCroix waters.

I have an instapot so I need to research making chicken dishes. I cook Chicken piccata and Chicken Marsale or just marinade it with a rub or dressing and bake it. Saute broccoli or green beans or brussel sprouts in a cast iron with olive oil and then add spices and/or balsamic vinegar. Got to give up so much bread and then baked or french fried potatoes.
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Re: Well, trip to the Internist for yearly physical and...

Post by ShadowsDad »

Clive if by "diet" you mean a weight loss diet you'd be correct in stating that they fail, as in "The Keto Diet". But I don't recall anyone other than you, and now myself, having used that word in that context. I specifically stated that I put myself into ketosis which is the original diet of mankind, diet in this case meaning food that is consumed and not a weight loss diet. Everyone eats a diet. Being in ketosis can be used as a weight loss diet, but it can also be a lifestyle as "original man" used it. Carb consumption, as we consume them today, came much later and there is a body of evidence that carbs are a factor in heart disease.

Now something near and dear to my heart, quite literally, and why I'm in ketosis other than weight loss, but I DO need to lose weight. One stone 2 birds. It'll all make sense eventually.
FWIW, there were 2 studies early on and 2 theories re: heart disease. One said that fats were responsible, and the other claimed that it was carbs. The one claiming dietary fats were the cause was totally fraudulent. The "gent" who ran it cherry picked the study groups so that he would get the desired results to "prove" his hypothesis. But all the lemmings latched onto it and ALL fats became verboten almost overnight. All fats are not the same, but try to tell the lemmings that. Today we know, by the latest double blind studies, that dietary fats have virtually no effect on heart disease. I'll throw in, "in normal people". I add that because I have a genetic factor and I just don't know. I'll know more when I get my bloodwork done in 2 months. The gent who said it was carbs... he was correct. But he was vilified for being so stupid and everybody remembers the fraudulent study results and continues to repeat them. I got the same advice when I was in the hospital and later. That study refuses to die. One needs to dig to find what actually should be eaten, hence the first book I suggested. The food pyramid from the USDA? Pure politics and not based on health; our tax dollars at work. We have been lied to over and over and folks who should be telling us the truth lie right to our faces. They have killed millions of people in this country over the years.

How do I intend to use ketosis? When I reach my goal I can stay on it and replace the body fat I'm presently consuming for fuel with ingested fats, or I can go back to eating carbs and see how that goes. But since I have heart disease I need to keep that in mind. Right now I'm looking at all sorts of things and reading as much as I can from various doctors. I'm keeping an open mind and it's like a sponge. You have no idea how much I miss fresh bread and other carbs. I didn't get to be a great baker by not liking bread. But I also don't want to kill myself prematurely so everything is being examined. I temper that with, "Do I want to live someone elses idea of what my life should be or enjoy the one I have?". I have gotten great enjoyment out of carbs. I have no idea which way I'll go after achieving my goal. I may start to eat carbs and decide I don't want to do that to my body anymore.

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Re: Well, trip to the Internist for yearly physical and...

Post by Sam »

Brian, I do love bread. Or as my wife says, bread is the delivery tool to get more butter into my mouth. I go to an Italian restaurant that serves fresh bread and that Italian oil/butter stuff, and I ask for real butter. Four or five pieces later. Oh, and then the dessert. But I am enjoying reading this and yes, I had read that not all fats are bad, nor is all cholesterol. My scrambled eggs are high in cholesterol but I read it is the good cholesterol. Luckily, I don't do the big traditional breakfast but maybe once or twice a month. Waffle House is a southern addiction thing!!!
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Re: Well, trip to the Internist for yearly physical and...

Post by EL Alamein »

Sam, you've started a wonderful thread here IMHO. Hope it helps folks to get healthier. I know it feels good for myself to know my fellow men are interested in this like I am.

As I say in shaving there are many roads to Rome. I read a book years ago entitled "Good Calories Bad Calories" by Gary Taubs. He's not a doctor but an investigative journalist, I think. Many things to ponder in that tome. One of the topics he addresses is that there are many different stocks of humans and some have different tolerances etc. He mentions a man that eats nothing but candy bars daily but lives in good health because he stays under a calorie threshold. This so called threshold is present in most humans in different ways. It's just an illustration of how we can be different yet very similar.

In the end he advocates a ketogenic lifestyle no matter what that means to you as an individual. The traditional French eat bread at the main meal but eat very little during the day and many of the traditional recipes are very ketogenic with lots of vegetables. Traditionally they eat in courses which may also promote less eating and better eating at the same time. To wit in our own house I've switched to courses at times for the sole purpose of serving the vegetable course first so the kids, who are hungry by this point, eat it. I've noticed that they eat less of what follows such as the starch course served after their meat course. My oldest son who is now seven will often eschew the starch course because he's full. Not always but when he does I just let him do it. I tell my children to listen to their body and act on what it's telling you. Just another road to Rome.

I see the similarity to what Sam does in calculating his intake. For myself I may have a dollop of scallop potatoes au gratin or something similar on occasion when I'm following my French eating but more than that can be destructive as it will awaken cravings in me I wouldn't want to deal with.

As for alcohol I stick to bourbon with an artificial sweetener and bitters. Works a treat when I'm in full blown ketosis. I like my nightly tipple and will stay with it.

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Re: Well, trip to the Internist for yearly physical and...

Post by Rufus »

When I wanted to lose a lot of weight, 20lbs, I went on Weight Watchers. It worked well for me and was easy to follow and stay on because there are no banned foods per se: each food is prescribed a certain number of points per serving and weight loss is achieved by not exceeding a pre-determined number of points each day. I’ve also found that reducing my consumption of wine and martinis (don’t drink beer or other alcoholic beverages) I can shed a few pounds quite quickly. My toughest struggle is with chocolate: I just love the stuff in taste and texture. Exercise also is important, but more for muscle tone and bone health than for weight loss; the only way to lose a meaningful amount of weight is by limiting what passes through your gob.
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Re: Well, trip to the Internist for yearly physical and...

Post by ShadowsDad »

Sam, the new data, done with real studies, shows that dietary fats and cholesterol have no effect on cholesterol in the blood. There is evidence that it might even have an overall lowering effect. Here's why.

The liver makes a comparatively huge amount of cholesterol every day. Studies suggest that eating cholesterol can tell the liver to reduce production. But back to eggs, what we were told about them is pure BS. It's another one of those BS "studies". The cholesterol in eggs is also accompanied by the antidote to cholesterol... lecithin. It's all part of the yolk. So eat your eggs and feel no guilt or offer excuses. Eggs from pastured chickens are best if you can get them.

I strongly suggest the book, Food: WTF should I eat? Otherwise you'll just do things that are meaningless at best and follow bad advice if you listen to common knowledge. Life is just too short to follow advice that can reduce enjoyment, produces guilt, and is actually harmful.

Chocolate... Stay above 60% cacao to reduce the sugar and eat it in moderation and you should be good. Personally I find in the high 70% or low 80%, depending on manufacturer to be about right for me. And staying under the serving size easily keeps me in ketosis.

If someone's food craving is ice cream, here in the USA Enlightened brand has a Keto line. It's quite good and I know it well. A serving is 1/4 of a pint (1/2 cup) and it has less than 1 gram of carbs. Yes, one could eat the entire pint and get less than 4 grams of carbs. For myself, I can tolerate 40 grams of carbs and still stay in ketosis. But of course I try to stay as low as possible, that allows me to have my ice cream and chocolate as rewards.

But even those of us in ketosis, it's still calories in vs outgoing calories. If we eat more calories than we burn one isn't going to lose weight. One still must go easy.

With that I'll post and I have some pepperoni and a big bowl of raw cauliflower with salad dressing (made with EVOO and MCT oil) calling me for lunch.

Maker of Kramperts Finest Bay Rum and Frostbite
Or find it here: Italian Barber, West Coast Shaving, Barclay Crocker, The Old Town Shaving Company at Stats, Maggard Razors; Leavitt & Peirce, Harvard Square
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