Feather blades

Let's talk about single and double edged razors and the blades that they use.
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Feather blades

Post by Sam »

I’ve been using the leaf razor to shave my head and trim up my beard. It has a pivoting head with three blades. You use DE blades and break them in half. I’ve been using the green box of the Gillette 7 o’clock and while it gives a good shave, I’d like something closer.

Has anybody used feather blades on their scalp and if so, how was it?

Anybody wanna trade for my 7 o’clock’s. I have about 50 blades but I’d be glad to swap for 25 or 30. Also, where is the best place to buy 50 blades. I see eBay I can get them for about 18 bucks for 50 and since I have Amazon prime that would be a good price with the shipping included.
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