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Re: new CCW pistol

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:59 pm
by rsp1202
I was advised dry-firing would damage the S&W's firing pin (a problem that Rugers avoided by their different design). Today I know there's two schools of thought about that, but back then I did what I was told. Even with the Ruger, I never dry-fired without using snap caps. BTW, my first real gun was a Ruger Security Six, and it was a beaut. The action job on it rivaled any of those on my S&W's. Wish I still had it.

My interest in guns was very similar to my interest in shaving gear. My first brush was the Savile Row 3824: if I had just kept it instead of getting all experimental, I would have saved a lot of time and money. I just didn't realize how good I had it. Well, at least I now know I have a repeatable syndrome.<sigh>

Re: new CCW pistol

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 11:29 pm
by ShadowsDad

Re: new CCW pistol

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 8:33 am
by Bob in TX
Deleted all content. Not wanted here. Too "Nutty".

Re: new CCW pistol

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:11 am
by drmoss_ca
ShadowsDad wrote:OK, after purchasing the handgun, I've been dry firing it every night. So far at least hundreds of times, possibly thousands. I haven't been counting, I've been feeling the trigger. When the lubrication began to get a bit dry on the sear I still dry fired it frankly, that's what I was waiting for. I haven't been counting. But when I watch a movie or the talking heads I try for the mudulla oblongata shot and that media gives me plenty of dry fire opportunity.
That would be medulla oblongata (and no one with a hand gun is that good a shot!) My problem is that most/all shaving forums with the majority of members based in the USA have endless threads about guns. Whilst I own and like guns, this is not why we are here at SMF. Could you gun nuts post this stuff on a gun forum, please? There are many shavers here who don't shoot, or who live in jurisdictions where personal firearms are illegal, and they still need to get a good shave!
