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Re: OneBlade Razor experience

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 2:25 pm
by Ouchmychin
A while back I read the original post and bought a Gillette Guard and a pack of blades. I found my nirvana. I use a variety of DEs and a Schick injector with Personna Tungsten blades as well as an assortment of disposables and a Schick Hydro 5 and two Gillette ProGlide Fusions. This razor seems to be as safe and any of the vibrators and shaves very smoothly for several shaves. I found that it takes many more strokes to polish to bbs, but it gets there eventually with no irritation. I will not pay for more heads for the vibrators when I get just as safe a shave from the Guards. I still use the other razors in my rotation because I have hundreds of blades, but none is as safe in my 85 year old hands.

Re: OneBlade Razor experience

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 5:46 pm
by oldjoe
OK, more on the One Blade Razor. I have been using it for awhile. Alternating with a Rockwell 6s and a Feather AS-D2. I really like the One Blade, but the Feather blades just seem to be so hit or miss, at least for me. I have mostly been using the Gem blades and they work fine for a long time. For me that is 5 uses and then I just move on to the next blade. I do take the Gem blade after de-spining and strop it in a glass blade sharpener? the kind you see on E-bay. Much like the inside of a water glass cut in half. I've read blue jeans also work fine for stropping? Stropping the Gem blades tames down the initial roughness felt in the de-spined Gem blades. No cutting or clipping required and I think the plain old Gem blades work great. Now, I alternate with the Rockwell and Feather razors. IMHO the easiest razor to use is the Feather. Next is the Rockwell, and then the One Blade for which available blades is limited greatly. Do I have a favorite that I would use all of the time if it was the only one allowed? Yes--the Feather AS-D2. Could I get the same results as the Feather with an old Gillette Tech razor? Probably! The Feather is a Stainless Steel version of the very best Gillette Tech razor IMHO. But, I like to play with many razors and the other 2 mentioned comprise the 3 that are best liked by me. The Rockwell 6s is a bargain if price is the main consideration IMHO. I have been at this for a long, long time and now I am old with fatty thin face skin. Pushing the roll with the razor I call it. I don't like blood letting and razor burn! The mirror tells me smooth mild and close is the desirable result. So, take it all for what it is worth! It's fun to experiment for sure! Will I shave with one of the other razors or one of many old Gillette or even with a Micromatic? YES!!! Hobby folks, a fun hobby!