Have you seen this razor (gone missing on ebay!!!)

Let's talk about single and double edged razors and the blades that they use.
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Have you seen this razor (gone missing on ebay!!!)

Post by edgebreakdown »

Sorry to make my first post such a negative one . I won a razor on ebay and paid for it but so far , 1 month later have not received it, not uncommon I'm sure. I thought it might be worth posting about it because it is a little unusual, and therefore some one may spot it if it is offered again by the same seller under another name. The orig. seller (becktwins1444) is "no longer registered on ebay".

Description is this

and looks like this

[/img]http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll ... 6535715412

It is unusual for the fact that it was made by Ed Wusthof (now famous for Trident cook knives). I have never seen another razor on ebay made by Ed Wusthof. I thought the steel might be good(?)
Also it has a bad representation of Garibaldi on the scales of the razor. It wasn't expensive, but that is not the point. I guess that the seller thinks that because I live in Australia it will be difficult for me to do anything about it.
If any one sees or has seen this razor offered elsewhere please let me know. I would like my razor!!!

Just a bit about me as a newbie to the forum. I have been using a straight razor on and off for 20 years.Bought my first in 1985, I lived in Germany where they where freely available. I currently use a Puma french point 6/8 stainless and have a Feather on the way . Thanks Joel for your excellent how to guide.
Also I have some claim to DE blade history, my Father helped develop the first Wilkinson Sword DE blades, I think they were the first to spray their blades with Teflon, by all accounts they were quite a revolution in the UK at the time. I still have some of the test packets kicking around in my tool box.


Just one one more stroke on the hone and it will be perfect....... Oh $****
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Post by xkvamme »

Just looking at the auction page, you can see that your seller has a pretty decorated history with over 1000 positive comments. However, I don't know if something like that can be "forged". Also, maybe there was a mix up with shipping or it was lost in transit and is being recovered.

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Joe Lerch
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Post by Joe Lerch »

I would never buy a razor from someone who talks about the quality of the box.
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