Rooney Stubby 2 with a plug

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Rooney Stubby 2 with a plug

Post by Marsom »

Hello, I recently purchased a Stubby 2 and thought I didn't care for it due to being extremely dense. Well, I worked with it a bit and changed my methods around a bit and realized that I did in fact like it and chose to keep it. I have noticed that mine has a plug at the bottom of the bristle where the hair meets the handle. It is quite pronounced. Do any of you notice this on your Rooney Heritage brushes (specificly Stubbys)?

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Post by AFG »

I have an Emillion that seems to have one although it is not as noticeable as you indicated. On mine its very close to the top of the handle
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Post by bernards66 »

Marion, Well, you've already heard what I have to say. Of the Finest models at a NYC shop, some had 'spikes' in the center of the bristle bundles and some did not. With the Heritage models it seems like the same deal. My Emillion feels as if it's made pretty much like a Simpson, but Peter's has a distinct spike, he says.
Last edited by bernards66 on Sun May 04, 2008 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Janus »

I've a Stubby 2 and a Victorian, both plugged, the Victorian more so and the Stubby just noticeably. And while we are on the subject of such anomalies, my Stubby also has barbed bristles. However, I've decided not to let it bother me and enjoy them both with these distinctive peculiarities. Life's just too short and all that...
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Post by Padron »

My Heritage Stubby 2 does not have the spike or plug, the epoxy seems to be set below the handle as the bristles are lose to where the bristles meets the handle.....

Nice brush, although I do wish the knot was set a bit further into the handle or the loft was a bit shorter....

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