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Need help with Gillette Tech...

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 10:56 pm
by los7883
Ok first post here, first day on the forum and man I had no idea a forum like this even now i'm all psyched about getting into DE shaving. I currently use both the two, three, and four blade razors and want to try something different, and I think DE might be the way to go. I have been reading on your forum all day and have decided that the Gillette Tech may be a good first razor for me. I checked ebay and saw a lot of gold ones, but i'm kinda leaning more towards the sliver ones, I only saw two of them on there. How can I tell if I'm picking the right kind, or if its even authentic. What do I look much do the Tech's cost on average? If for some reason I can't find one I'll probably try the Merkur HD, but was wanting to go with an old school razor first. I'd like to spend no more than $40 or so for my first razor, if all goes well I really dont mind spending more if its gonna last me...thanks in advance.

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 11:07 pm
by bernards66
los, Welcome to SNF. I let others fill you in on appropriate prices and what to look for, as Techs are not my thing ( although I think they would be an excellent DE to start out with ), and I don't really deal on eBay personally. However, I will suggest that you post on our Sales & Trades page. Even as a brand new member, you can put up a WTB ( want to buy ) notice and you'll likely get a response ( and you'll be dealing in a safer and easier enviornment ).

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:06 am
by gil3591
gillette slim adjustable would be a good razor for you too.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 7:15 am
by gotsumoves
Welcome to the board. You'll find that the gents here are very knowledgeable and helpful.

Good luck on starting on your wet shaving journey. It may take a bit of practice and time but the rewards are well worth it.


Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 7:23 am
by Squire
Hey los, welcome aboard. If you will send me a private message with your address I will send you a razor.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 7:45 am
by John 5
There is no better DE to begin with than a tech. Those things are foolproof. Get your feet wet with one, and when confidence is all built-up, get yourself a Superspeed or the like.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 9:08 am
by los7883
Squire, PM sent...thanks again!

Hey when they say adjustable razor what exactly do they mean? Do they mean that the angle of the razor is adjustable or that the height of the blade is adjustable which in turns removes more of the hair for each pass ir makes?

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 10:45 am
by Squire
I am sending Carlos a Tech copy made by Lord. It shaves similar to a Tech but has a longer handle. Neat razor.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 4:22 pm
by razorburned
los7883 wrote:Squire, PM sent...thanks again!

Hey when they say adjustable razor what exactly do they mean? Do they mean that the angle of the razor is adjustable or that the height of the blade is adjustable which in turns removes more of the hair for each pass ir makes?
The 'adjustable' means that the gap between the blade and the safety bar changes, but the blade angle stays the same. This makes it possible to remove more or less hair with a single stroke.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:05 pm
by los7883
Would an adjustable be something most move to or do most usually do fine with the non-adjustable? I know it probably depends on the person but what are yalls thoughts?

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:25 pm
by TommyDawg
los7883 wrote:Would an adjustable be something most move to or do most usually do fine with the non-adjustable? I know it probably depends on the person but what are yalls thoughts?
Hi Carlos. Welcome to the boards, where you can always find good information and nice guys. Speaking of which, that was very gracious of Squire to forward you a razor for starting out.

As for other razors to move to, thats the curse of the RAD (razor acquisition disorder). Passes around here through the keyboards somehow, more potent than swine flu. Hang out here enough, and you'll have to try the superspeed, tech, adjustable slim, fat, aristocrat, rocket, and so on. Most you can find on the board here at reasonable prices.

Enjoy, and let us hear from you as you start the shave journey!


Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:28 pm
by jww
Welcome to SMF -- I see you have now experienced the magnanimity of the board with Squire's delivery. Enjoy - the Tech is a great 1st razor -- and the Lord should suit you well.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 12:53 am
by Timpac
As someone who's tried a few different old Gillettes, the Tech and open comb variation, the NEW, are what I settled on. I've even used a couple diff variations from Merkur, thanks to my bro. If you like the freebie you get sent, try a NEW. Very similar but just different enough for personal preference to weigh out. Good razors, considered "mild and forgiving" in regard to how they shave, but get better with more skill.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 1:26 am
by Jonnieboy61
Hi Carlos welcome

I started back to DE shaving after many years break using Cartridge style razors, where I picked up the Merkur HD (34C), probably because I had read that this was a short handled heavyweight, which I preferred. It's a good razor and a lot of members here use them.

I have no experience of the Tech but I can recommend the HD.

All the best

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 8:30 am
by los7883
Ok let me throw this out there too, I also shave my head...could I also use DE razors for this too? Or would regular razors still be better?

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 8:35 am
by gil3591
i'm a newbie and i had RAD. i say "had" cause i've many razors. some 2 or 3 purchases and can't think of anymore to try.. gillette slim adjustable, tech, superspeed, merkur HD, merkur futur and merkur progress, dr harris.
i'll just say this about adjustables. if you find a non-adjustable that works then you're set. but,,,,you may find that with a less sharp blade you have to make more passes then you like. with a blade that's too sharp you may get weepers and nicks. the beauty of the adjustable is that you can taylor the razor to the blade you're using and also to your beard type. right now i'm using merkur futur and progress as my main razors. i start out at a mild to average setting and then dial it up for final touch-ups. very nice!

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:02 am
by Timpac
You can definitely use the DE to headshave, but you'll probably want to learn to use a DE properly just on the face before you move to the head with it. A lot more area to cover, a lot more strange angles, and a lot of it that you can't see. Makes for a great headshave, but I still suggest waiting until you're proficient with a DE before giving it a go.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:25 am
by los7883
Good to know!!! Well I ordered the rest of what I think I need to start out...along with the razor that squire is sending me, I ordered some feather blades, some Taylor shaving cream in 'rose' (I saw that it was one of the more popular ones from taylor), and a Rooney pure badger brush from vintage blades (their $40 brush) I think its a number 3. I know there are a lot of better and more expensive brushes out there but I thought this might be a good one to start off with. Am I missing anything? What kind of bowls are you guys using? I was thinking about getting one of those big cappicino mugs for now...

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 1:04 pm
by TommyDawg
los7883 wrote:Ok let me throw this out there too, I also shave my head...could I also use DE razors for this too? Or would regular razors still be better?
I'm a headshaver also, and I cant use a DE there, despite being pretty skillful with it. Too many curves to keep a proper angle going, but thats just me. Good for Tim if he can. I stick to a cheap disposable with a movable head makes it a snap.



Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 1:14 pm
by gone down south
I would suggest getting a blade sampler from one of the vendors here - everyone's face is different, and you wouldn't think it but there's a huge difference in how people react to different blades. Also, Feathers might be a bit too sharp to learn on, you might get discouraged and quit if you start out with those.