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GFT Sandalwood cream

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:25 pm
by drumana
Hi folks,

Wondering, for those of you in The Know, how the scent of GFT Sandalwood shave cream compares to the scent of TOBS Sandalwood shave cream. Also, comparative performance notes are of interest...


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:50 pm
by Esoteric83
I found it was similar to Crabtrees Sandalwood cream, but not as strong. Can comment on TOBS.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:45 pm
by drumana
Thanks. If I remember correctly, C&E Sandalwood had a sweet/cinnamon note to it, similar to AoS's Sandalwood. Good to know...

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:18 pm
by Nitrox
I had to go and sniff them to remember the scents. :lol:
The Trumper's definitely smells similar to the C&E version and the Taylor's has a more soft scent to it, more flowery if you will.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:22 pm
by bernards66
Andrew, No, they do not smell that similiar. Trumpers is in the more 'standard' English shaving cream style scent-wise; similiar to the old Coate's, the original T&H, or D R Harris's/Greenpond ( sigh...I know this isn't of much help if you haven't used any of these, now discontinued, products )...or yeah, even the C&E to a degree. The Taylors is in their proprietary 'Sandalwood' fragrance, that is, it matches the cologne and aftershave they offer in that scent. For me, although I like and use the Taylors Sandalwood cologne & A/S the same scent in a shave cream seems too overpowering so I prefer the Trumpers. Both lather and shave quality is very high...not much difference in that department I don't think.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:03 pm
by harper
I was never strong on sandalwood as a fragrance but thought I would buy some C&E cream as it was highly recommended by a number of people on this forum. I bought it and the scent was so overpowering that it put me off sandalwood forever. The lather was fine but I could not get past the scent.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:50 am
by brothers
At one time I explored through several of the Sandalwoods, including those mentioned above. Regarding GFT's sandalwood and TOBS version, Trumper's was a pleasing and mild fragrance, similar to Coate's (now discontinued) and T&H (lately reformulated- I haven't tried the new). I did enjoy the Trumpers cream. TOBS' sandalwood fragrance, on the other hand, was a bit too sharp, and not my cup of tea.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:32 am
by gil3591
tobs sandalwood is the first scent from them that i'm not crazy about. strong cologne scent and doesn't remind me of sandalwood at all.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:57 pm
by Squire
Andrew I find the two brands are equal in performance but the scents are quite different. Trumpers is richer and a bit more sweet, Taylors more dry and herbally, both quite good and like their colognes the one I use just depends on my mood that morning.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:53 pm
by John Parker
Can only speak to TOBS and C&E. TOBS has a sweet, spicy note. C&E is dry, heavy and very soapy smelling. I like both, but like TOBS better. Have only sampled GFT a long while ago, I do not remember it well enough to comment - except that I didn't buy it.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:46 pm
by drumana
Thanks, guys... I've never tried the discontinued products that some of you have mentioned, so cannot use that as a base line. But thanks for the feedback. I've been really enjoying the TOBS Sandalwood as of late. Sometimes I find it too cologne-like, and like someone mentioned, I'm not sure if it actually smells like sandalwood, but it's a nice scent anyways. Reminds me of some good incense I used to have. The aftershave gel is a dead match and quite a nice product. I might give the GFT Sandalwood a try, but it has some competition with the Spanish Leather cream.