Aftershave splash and then balm

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Aftershave splash and then balm

Post by DesertRat »

I've noticed in the SOTD threads that a lot of guys are using both an A/S splash and a A/S balm right after.

I'm assuming that the splash is for cleaning/sterilizing and the balm is for moisturizing but aren't some splashes moisturizing as well?

I usually use a splash and then some moisturizing sunscreen but sometimes I use Bump Patrol and then AOS unscented balm for extra moisturizing.

Is using both overkill? Are folks using the splash for scent as well?
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Post by Blue As A Jewel »

I use an aftershave splash in the form of Lucky Tiger - simply because I absolutely LOVE the way it feels. In the summer months I might just leave it at that or add a light balm. In the cooler months, I go with a heavier balm and moisturizer. I copped a page from Method Shaving in that if I'm using a thicker consistency balm, I use very little and mix in a hydrosol, aftershave, witch hazel or something - it helps spread things very evenly.

The liquids I use generally don't have a strong scent and dissipate quickly - so don't conflict with any cologne I'm wearing...

...some might say it's overkill, but it works for me!
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Post by jww »

+1 Ravi. I have developed a sensitivity to scents over the years, and have had to be careful of the post-shave product which contain scent that I use. I am loving the lemon scented witch hazel that I now put on after my final rinse and pat-dry and before I apply a bit of Body Shop Razor Relief. I still close off the entire thing with a 1/2 dime's size dollop of Skin Food as a closing effort about 5 minutes or so after the Razor Relief goes on. Love the results I get from layering these products

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Post by Tye »

+ another one. I too mix my balms and my aftershaves when I wear A/S. The scent seems to last longer and I like how it feels.

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Post by druphus »

I always use Aftershave. Usually D.R. Harris Pink, and occassionally Proraso or Speick. None of these clash with Cologne, which I usually will wear.

Once or twice a week I will use Trumper's Skin Food when I shave with either a rose, sandalwood, or Lime soap or cream. If I use the skin food I put it on after the Aftershave.
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Post by marsos52 »

i keep aftershave pinaud clubman and trumpers skin food

i used to choose on or the other..and mostly it was the clubman..

for the last several months i have been using the clubman. and maybe after 10 minutes ,,or when the scent of clubman is faded a bit..i use the smallest amount the skin food..

and i like it

glad to find out i am not the only one

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Post by Racso_MS »

Use witch hazel (pick a brand) to cleanse my face after a cool/cold water rinse. Then an A/S Balm (Nivea for Sensitive Skin). I have combined the Sensitive skin version with the menthol based non sensitive skin version to give a little wake up at times (Mixed two bottles into one and it makes a lot). But usually just the Nivea for sensitive skin. Pretty boring, but it works for me.
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Post by JimDandy »

Cold water rinse followed by a 50/50 mix of Neutrogena Pore Refining Toner (the one with alcohol in it) and Nivea Sensitive ASB.


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Post by gsgo »

I am definitely in the splash then balm camp.

Most summer days I could leave it with just a splash of Thayers Witch Hazel but I like to add just a light layer of a balm all the same. I will use balm just about everyday during the winter.

I am starting to prefer to leave the scent to an EdT or EdC versus an after shave although I do like the finish of DRH Arlington and Musgo Real which both stay with me for quite sometime. Some of the heavily scented after shaves tend to get a little murky on me latter in the day which is probably just my body chemistry.
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Post by scaryshoes »

I am a fan of AV splash, and oftentimes I will first splash on the Aqua-Velva, not just for the antiseptic aspect but also the scent. I find that if I follow up with an unscented balm such as Nivea Energy, It will tend to keep that wonderful AV scent longer.... have oily skin so I only use a small amount of the balm.

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Post by brothers »

I'm in favor of mixing the post shave products too. I usually start off with a witch hazel splash, or I might even rub some COBigelow Mentha Lotion into my face because it is cooling with a touch of menthol, which I like, or a drop or two of Skin Food, with certain shaving creams, like Rose. And once in a while I might add a touch of an aftershave, Booster's, Aqua Velva, or Old Spice. I usually try to limit things to one or two. It's all good. I've never been able to tolerate colognes and the like, because they're usually too overpowering for my preferences.

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Post by Odio Barbillas »

If I'm planning on using a cologne my habit is to splash witch hazel on and apply scent at the last minute before leaving home. My arsenal includes Pinaud Clubman, Ogallala limes/peppercorns, and a citrus/musk from Mama Bear.

OTOH, I have a very nice matched A/S balm and cologne I got from TSD and so I omit the witch hazel on such occasions.

This next will be the first full winter of DE shaving for me. Naturally, I anticipate having to acquire more of these things. :oops: Because of the extreme seasonal temperature differences in my home province of Nova Caesarea, of course. :twisted:
Michael G.
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