Set up for a quick shave

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Post by bernards66 »

This is a harder question than it looks as there are so many variables....including how fast is 'fast'? I can tell you what I do when I'm a bit pressed for time, and it works very well for me, but not only might our beards be different, our experiance and skill level may be as well. BTW, I was struck by that cold water business as well.....don't do water, or at least nice and warm. Okay then, if I'm going to bother at all, then I want a decent shave and I can't do that in a minute or two. Yeah, I could/can shave in the shower with the bath soap and a Bic, but I'd rather not. For me, a later model Schick Injector is the way to go when I'm in a hurry. Less focus is required and that design can be used very quickly and efficently. Also quality shaving cream in a tube. With cream there's less futzing around required and with a tube specfically it is easy to eye ball the correct amount of cream, no cream on the fingers or any separate impliment to deal with, and quick to put away. A flexibe brush with more flow through is quicker. Two passes, one N/S and one XTG. Cold water splash, pat dry, quick splash of Pink and out. That's what I do anyway. Good, even enjoyable, shave in under 10min. If even that's too long, then it's either the shower or skip it entirely. I could use the electric, but switching back and forth between wetshaving and an electric is NOT a good idea....not for my skin anyway.
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Post by KAV »

I remember my father plugging an electric razor into the cigarette lighter and shaving while glancing between the road and the rearview mirror. He hit a peacock loose from some actor's home off of Mullholland and tore up the grill on our pink, hemi engined station wagon. A coyote ran out,grabbed the bloodied bird and melted back into the chapparel. Actor came out and got into a brief screaming match. My father peeled out sending gravel into his face and the parting shot " You old Queen! You couldn't make it in movies and you won't make it on Milton Berle!" I asked how a man could be Queen. He distracted me by letting me sit in the cockpit of a f 86 parked at his company across from Van Nuys Airport for some electronics upgrade they were working on to fight gorillas in a place with a funny name.then some men in uniforms got upset I was in it until my grandmother's cousin's name was mentioned.
I had a terrible nightmare that night involving peacocks,coyotes,gorillas, military guys and a queen coming after me in the F 86 and I couldn't get it to start because the keys weren't in the sun visor but a electric shaver was.
I've never used an electric, not once: I'd rather be late.
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Post by ThePossum »

There are 24 hours in a day. There is no need to do a "quick" shave. Just get up early enough each morning to have enough time to do your regular shave.

By doing this, shaving becomes more of an enjoyable experience than just another thing to do before one goes out into the world for the day.

I do know that sometimes it is impossible to do that. Alarm clock quits and you over sleep, some unexpected even comes up that requires a good shave, whatever. In that case, and I can count on one hand the number of times I have had it happen to me, I do one of two things. I skip my XTG pass and my Oil Pass or I do a two pass shave with my hated Fusion. Yep, still have some blades left for it.

My suggestion though is to get in the habit of shaving each day and learning to make time to do it right. You will then be very happy when that need for a DFS comes along.

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Post by Blue As A Jewel »

The "Cary Grant" works reasonably well, but if you are able to perform the downstroke with a simultaneous angle it works all the better. I too would not use an electric, especially if I'm not using it on a daily basis as it simply tears up the skin.

Best advice though is just get up a few minutes earlier, enjoy the full shave experience, gather your thoughts and relax - don't let the craziness of the world dictate or intrude on your time... :lol:
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Post by cadfael_tex »

Tried the tabac shave stick and 'cary grant' method this morning. Gotta say that you guys were right. More irritation from a mediocre shave :(
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Post by brothers »

I've worn out a few electrics. Shaving with them doesn't seem any faster than a DE, in my experience, and I think electrics take up a bit more time due to the problem areas that seem to take even longer for an electric to shave close enough to suit me.

I enjoy every shave, or at least want to, and try to. I think engaging the brush is an optional (albeit highly enjoyable) part of a traditional shave where some inefficient use of time might be involved. As many have read, I find no fault in skipping the brush on occasion and just using the fingers to apply the cream.

I love my brushes but don't feel as I've missed anything if I skip that part on rare occasion. I suppose I have that attitude and enjoy that freedom as a result of never having shaved with a brush until SMF came along and I bought my original Tweezerman, before the others came along and replaced the happy little badger brush soon afterward.

SOTD 99%: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, soaps & creams, synthetic / badger brushes, Colonial General razor, Kai & Schick blades, straight razors any time, Superior 70 aftershave splash + menthol + 444
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Post by jww »

I am a bit surprised that no one has suggested shaving the night before. I do that often, when I know I am going to be rushed in the morning -- a good solid shave at night gives me the same result as a quick and rushed shave in the am.

Another suggestion is to simply do fewer passes - which is where, I believe, the Cary Grant method comes from.

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Post by brothers »

Great point Wendell. I have used that approach on several occasions, and it works. As a matter of fact, it takes all the pressure off what would normally be a rushed morning, and it gives me the time it takes to use my brush!

SOTD 99%: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, soaps & creams, synthetic / badger brushes, Colonial General razor, Kai & Schick blades, straight razors any time, Superior 70 aftershave splash + menthol + 444
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Post by marsos52 »

good point wendell

i have done that many times..
why didnt i think it that??

good thing your here wendell

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Post by Oswald »

I remember my father plugging an electric razor into the cigarette lighter and shaving while glancing between the road and the rearview mirror. He hit a peacock loose from some actor's home off of Mullholland and tore up the grill on our pink, hemi engined station wagon. A coyote ran out,grabbed the bloodied bird and melted back into the chapparel. Actor came out and got into a brief screaming match. My father peeled out sending gravel into his face and the parting shot " You old Queen! You couldn't make it in movies and you won't make it on Milton Berle!" I asked how a man could be Queen. He distracted me by letting me sit in the cockpit of a f 86 parked at his company across from Van Nuys Airport for some electronics upgrade they were working on to fight gorillas in a place with a funny name.then some men in uniforms got upset I was in it until my grandmother's cousin's name was mentioned.
I had a terrible nightmare that night involving peacocks,coyotes,gorillas, military guys and a queen coming after me in the F 86 and I couldn't get it to start because the keys weren't in the sun visor but a electric shaver was.
I've never used an electric, not once: I'd rather be late.
this whole post is worth it just for that reply and you convinced me to never shave in the car or around queens

although i still dont know had to get an extra 15 mins in bed
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