Skin irritation

What kind of fragrances do you prefer?
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Skin irritation

Post by kal »

GFT is one of my favorits and been using it since its introduction a few years back. Last summer I finished a bottle and took about three months before I bought a new one. To my amazement I discovered that my skin has become allergic to it. Every time I use it my skin gets irritated. I suspected it might be a chemical reaction from using other colognes so I stopped using any for a whole week but I still got the same reaction.
I've used it for years without problems so why now?
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Joined: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:25 am

Post by kal »

Thanks Chris, you could be right in principle but it has to be something other than citrus or bergamot because this happens to be my favorit scent and is contained in many other products that I use w/o problems.
By the way This did happen to me once before with mussels.I used to eat tons of them until one day I aquired a serious allergy. Well, mussels I've learnt to live w/o but GFT is irreplacable.
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Post by ARenaissanceMan »

Are you only getting irritation where you applied the cologne or all over your body? If its where you applied the cologne that sounds like contact dermatitis, which are basically surface skin allergies. If its all over then its probably an allergy to one of the essential oils being inhaled into your system. Remember you can be allergic to ingesting a substance and not have it affect you in a surface variant i.e. your allergic to almonds but can use almond scented shave cream.
Duke of Silvertip!
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Post by bernards66 »

Kal, Yeah, it's a bummer, but it does happen. More then once, my wife has used a cosmetic or lotion for years, and then one day...BAM! She has to find something else. In one case, this was definately due to them changing the formula, but in the other cases it seemingly wasn't. Her system had just reached the end of it's tolerance to something in the product. I've had similiar things happen to me with foods, and once with a deodorant. I don't know of anything that can be done about it, except dropping the offending product. Regards, Gordon
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