The Colors of Trumper's: Tube v. Tub

What is your opinion on fine shaving creams and hard soaps? Do you like Trumpers, Coates, Taylors, Truefitt & Hill? Post your reviews and opinions here!
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The Colors of Trumper's: Tube v. Tub

Post by Ken »

There has been considerable discussion of the different consistencies in some shaving creams between the same product in a tube and in a tub. I have not seen any comment on color, however. I have noticed that for Turmper's two most heavily colored items--Violet and Rose--the cream in the tubs appears to have more coloring than the cream in the tubes. With the tube, I rarely notice any excess color driipping into the sink. With the tub, it's somewhat difficult to avoid. Anybody else notice this, either for Trumper's or for other brands?

BTW, the Limes (Trumper's other cream with significant color) in the tub does not do this.

I also have a sense--although I can't be sure because I have never had them together at the same time--that the fragrance in the Violet is stronger in the tub, and perhaps the Rose as well.

Duke of Silvertip!
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Post by bernards66 »

Ken, Well, that's interesting. In other respects, I've always found Trumpers to be the most consistant of all the English creams. It's the only brand that I've never seen a dehydrated pot of, and the cream consistancy, pot or tube, always seemed the same. But, color? Hmm...I don't know. In truth, I've never used the Rose or Violet in a pot, always tubes. God! if the violet scent is even MORE intense in the pots, perhaps I better stay away. As you say, the coloration of the Limes seems the same to me, but I don't know about the other two, even in the tubes, they seem quite heavily colored. I used to think that the coloration of some of the Coate's creams was different, pot to tube, but now I'm not so sure. Looking at 5oz. of it, globbed together in one place, is optically a little different then looking at just a small dab in a bowl. With Coate's though, the texture is definately different, it's a considerably denser cream in the pots. Regards, Gordon
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