Custom razors - taking and holding a sharp edge?

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Custom razors - taking and holding a sharp edge?

Post by brothers »

Some people would presume, perhaps wisely, or possibly naively, that a hand made one-off custom razor costing hundreds (or thousands) of pounds, dollars, yen, or Euros, will be easy to hone and once wickedly sharp, the edge will maintain a level of sharpness with prudent maintenance stropping, equal to, or better than, a factory made top shelf straight razor, old or new.

What has been your actual experience? Are customs better suited for collecting, or for shaving.

SOTD 99%: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, soaps & creams, synthetic / badger brushes, Colonial General razor, Kai & Schick blades, straight razors any time, Superior 70 aftershave splash + menthol + 444
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Post by IsaacRN »

its hit or miss in all honesty. I have nine different custom razors from various manufacturers. I wont go into specific names, but there are some that are easy to hone and take a wicked edge. Then again, there are those that are hard as hard can be and take forever to hone, but once there, again hold an edge. I had one that another custom maker thought to be over heated in heat treatment.

Like anything you purchase, there are good models and bad models. You have to remember that these are custom made razors by hand so the odds of some slight variation are bound to pop up.
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