Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

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Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by ShadowsDad »

I sure hope no one minds that I posted this on another forum and am posting here as well. There is some overlapping of the membership. But I thought the brush to be so good that I'd post in more than one forum. Sorry if it offends someone. The post follows.

Edit: I should have stated the following when I first wrote this, but with this edit I will. I haven't read any other reviews of this brush; deliberately. I haven't even looked for reviews of it and haven't followed any threads regarding it. I wanted to test it "for the first time", at least in my mind. I couldn't escape a bit of prejudicial knowledge that was sent to me, but I wrote it off as YMMV and I determined to test it without prejudice. Now back to my unedited, except for typos and such, impressions/review.

I wish I was a well known (experienced) brush reviewer so that you all could get a review with more descriptive words regarding the brush, but I'm just a user with varied brushes.

For those who don't have time or the inclination to read the entire review, in a nutshell, I love this brush (so far) and I did have misgivings since it wasn't quite what my other synthetics feel like.

OK, back on to the observations/review...

This is what I wrote yesterday after receiving it:
The Chubby2 Synthetic arrived in my hot little hands this afternoon.

It's unlike any of my other synthetics. I just did a hand lathering with it; of a hand soap that in a pinch could be used as shave soap, but for whatever reason after cleaning a brush it's the first soap I test a brush with. I can't remember any brush of any fiber ever lathering this soap as easily as this Simpsons synthetic just did. I actually expected problems loading the brush and there were absolutely none. It actually loaded incredibly easily.

I'm really looking forward to tomorrows shave. But my initial impression is that it's the most badger like synthetic I've ever had in my hand. As I wrote, I'm really looking forward to tomorrows shave. I will be extremely surprised if it doesn't perform nicely.

Back to today.

One thing I will add to the above. If you're looking for scritch, this brush won't be for you.

VdH (Van der Hagen) was up for todays shave since it was it's turn in the rotation. That's OK, because I have just a few days with the brush and I want to deliberately use it with high priced products and the low priced products.

But allow me to digress. I mentioned earlier that it doesn't feel the same as my other synthetics. One of the things I noticed was that most synthetics once wet, act like a sponge to pull up water, then when put under pressure they dump the load. This brush did not appear to be as critical in that respect. Understand that synthetics, even if made to appear as badger are not badger brushes and typically don't act like natural fiber. But back to today. I decided I'd test that by dipping the brush into the basin of water then loading from the tub of VdH; I normally don't do that with a synthetic. Instead I put the water into the tub to be in control. I did not immerse the brush, not was I extremely careful in not dipping it in too far. In going to the tub I didn't have the huge load of water that I expected. I actually had to return to the basin to pick more water up 2 (or was it 3?) times for more water. The brush loaded incredibly easily, and it was clear to see that I had PLENTY of soap loaded to build my ultralather.

On the face, this brush is incredibly soft, but one can feel the softness even when it's dry. As with many synthetics, it also has backbone, though not as much backbone as other synthetic fibers. I thought that might be a problem with splay. This is a huge brush and if it has too much splay it would be a deal breaker for me since I face lather and don't appreciate fibers and lather up my nostrils. The knot has some interesting qualities in use. Here's where I wish I had better words. It's soft and also flexible, the knot wants to sort of "cling together" to form a knot mass when wet (capillary action). If that happens, and you allow it to go on, I doubt you'll get lather. Instead put a bit of pressure on the knot. The brush is quite soft so you won't rub your skin raw. But a bit of pressure must be used to get the knot to splay just a bit and open up for lather making. I'm not suggesting brush mashing, but a bit of pressure to allow the fibers to separate to do their job.

This brush is far and away the best lather maker in my cabinet. Almost too good. I like to lather for 3 minutes for whisker prep'. With this brush one actually needs to extend the lather process artificially to get that. IMO the speedy lather production was quite noticeable. The lather produced, remember this was VdH which doesn't have a really good reputation, was as good as any lather from any other product in my cabinet regardless of price. It was like iridescent satin with absolutely no bubbles. There was no work or extraordinary means employed to make that lather either. Just be sure to use a bit of pressure on the knot to get the fibers to splay a bit. Other synthetics don't require that because their knots are in a slightly permanent splay and they fight any repositioning of the fibers. That's the best I can describe that.

I've only used this brush for shaving this one time (4 more to go) but when they're available for purchase I plan to have one, and a Case synthetic when they're available. IMO, based on this one shave, Simpsons has raised the bar with this brush. It has everything; softness, backbone, incredible lather making, a relatively low price if the early MSRP is held to. If I didn't force myself to use every brush in the cabinet I could very easily find myself using this brush to the exclusion of the others.

Another shave tomorrow.

Then I followed up with pix.

It's a large brush and I don't do really big natural fiber brushes well at all. But synthetic brushes don't act like natural fiber and I find I can do, what to me are HUGE brushes, in synthetic fiber, and get away with it. The same brush in natural hair would be far too large IMO. The largest natural fiber brush that I want and own is the P8 pictured below.

A comparison shot to show comparative scale. I tried to pick brushes other folks would have.
Left to right:
Simpsons TSN LE P8 Phyl Best Badger, 24x48
Frank Shaving Pur-Tech 28 x 54mm Gen 4 V2 STF black handle syn’
The Prototype Simpsons Chubby2 Syn' badger
Muhle 20mm V2 synthetic w/ faux ivory handle
Simpsons Case Best badger 19x42mm

The brush in my palm, again another comparative shot for scale. I don't have huge hands, but I don't wear womens gloves either.

Compared to the Simpsons Case Best Badger as seen previously. I figured this was appropriate since Mark commented that the brush might be made in a Case. No doubt (IMO) the synthetic Case won't have the same knot dimensions.

Maker of Kramperts Finest Bay Rum and Frostbite
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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by brothers »

Brian, thanks for such an informative review and pictures. This brush sounds like what one would expect from a highly regarded firm such as Simpsons. Has Mark indicated the target price range and the expected release date on the Simpsons synthetics? (PS, dang it why didn't Mark ask me to review the prototype! :twisted: You are one lucky guy!)

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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by ShadowsDad »

Gary, I'd like to think I was asked; it would be great for my ego. The truth is that I was simply in the right place at the right time. Months earlier there was another Simpsons Syn' that never made the grade. When this current brush was in the making, and being sent across the pond, a request went out for a few folks to test it. I suggested using the earlier list from the failed brush (I was on that list) and was included. My getting the brush to test was nothing more elaborate than that.

I seem to remember him writing that it would be near $80 US a few months back, and was targeted for release in January. Obviously, that didn't happen. The price is based on the exchange rate though.

FWIW, I have 4 more shaves to go with it to complete my turn with the brush. I'll keep this updated with additional observations and what not.

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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by Squire »

Very good review Brian. I'm sure a lot of research went into the creation of this type brush and the end product is impressive.
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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by rsp1202 »

As a comparison, I've used the Muhle "silvertip" synthetic and found it to be a great lathering brush with soft tips. The hair shafts are springy, however, and while that helps keep the knot firm enough for face lathering, it does require some force and working the angles to get the brush to splay. It really doesn't want to. The brush would rather you use paint strokes than circular motions. That was enough to sour me of the experience since I'm more a circular guy. What I get from Brian's review is that the Simpsons synthetic fibres retain all the positive attributes of the breed, with the added benefit that they are easier to open up, without going too far in the direction of flop. That's quite an achievement wrought by the fibre manufacturer and Simpsons design team, and a happy medium I can live with.
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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by ShadowsDad »

Squire, Simpsons almost came out with a brush for testing months ago, but Mark shelved it and decided to make something better to get the Simpsons name. I gather the failed brush was merely a "we have one too" sort of synthetic. Not worthy of a Simpsons sticker.

Todays shave with the brush was no different than yesterdays. The brush is a keeper. That's the short story.

Just a little more about the splaying of the brush that I touched on yesterday. In typical synthetic fashion, the fibers have a springiness to them. In this brush it's not as noticeable as other synthetics. With some badgers, even though they have backbone it requires little to no force to get them to splay, I think that leads to brush mashing. I find the "push back" from this brush to be quite pleasant. It also gives a nice feel that other natural fiber brushes lack. I have one badger brush that is so cloud soft with zero backbone that unless I watch what I do with it in the mirror I might not even feel it on my skin. In no way is this brush like that. It's also firmer than my Rooney Super Silvertip.

I sort of wish I had the Case Syn' to test alongside this brush. The smaller knot will feel different again. Fewer fibers = less push back.

Too, today after seeing yesterday that the brush isn't a huge sponge for water I decided to try something I ALWAYS suggest that no one should do with a synthetic brush. I dipped the entire knot in water and shook it out before loading it as one would do with a badger. With most synthetics that yields a brush so loaded with water that I don't even try to use a brush like that anymore. I just dry it off and put it back into the cabinet until the next day and use another. This brush after that treatment was quite useable and not objectionably loaded with water. It may have retained a bit more water than a natural fiber brush, but not wildly more as most of my other synthetics would have been.

I face lather exclusively, and it holds more than enough lather for my 2 1/3 pass shave. While I don't suggest this, by seeing the amount of lather I waste every day with this brush one could easily have a 6 pass shave with the lather I build, or more if one built the lather more than I do. I want my ultralather ever morning; which is a creamy yogurt like consistency, but not dry. It produces ultralather with no effort, and ultralather just happens if one loads the brush.

I think I'm beginning to understand why the brush is labled "synthetic badger". It's not just because of the color of the fibers. It's because it's trying to do a better job of mimicking badger. Of all of the synthetic brushes I've used so far, and I have the latest synthetic fibers to date as far as I know, this comes the closest to real badger.

If I gave anyone the impression yesterday that I might be on the fence with this brush, today I decided that I REALLY like this brush... A LOT! It's like no other synthetic brush I've ever used, and it's a game changer IMO. If synthetic brushes get no better than this, well, they really don't need to. This is a superb synthetic.

Understand, it's not a badger, it operates differently, and in many respects better. If one has extremely sensitive skin maybe the push back required to get the fibers to work might annoy. But I simply can't imagine that being a problem since it isn't a great deal of force needed, nothing like other synthetics. One would need to have extremely sensitive skin for that to be an issue. This brush is very soft, but still with excellent backbone.

2 more shaves with it then I get it washed up and dried off to get it shipped out on Monday. I'd like to have 3 shaves with it, but I want to give it 2 days to fully dry. I've seen what I need to about the brush. The other 2 shaves are just for kicks and to see if I missed anything. I also wish I had more time with it to directly compare it to some of my other brushes, head to head.

I've mentioned this most every time I've discussed synthetic brushes and I'm about to again. If anyone had told me just a few years ago that I would ever have anything nice to write about synthetic brushes I'd have told them they were insane. Here I am doing that very thing.

I wish I could pass this brush around for most everyone to experience, but I already have the next name I send it to. Maybe Simpsons will put it into production and release it soon for everyone to try. The first synthetic they tried failed and Mark wouldn't build it, this brush was worth waiting for.

2 more shaves, if I notice anything more I'll update this. Otherwise, I'm just going to enjoy it.

Maker of Kramperts Finest Bay Rum and Frostbite
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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by Squire »

Thanks for the update Brian. I'll be staying with my Badgers but I can see how this new synthetic might appeal to others.
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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by ShadowsDad »

One last pic. It's self explanatory.


Maker of Kramperts Finest Bay Rum and Frostbite
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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by fallingwickets »

Thanks for the thread Brian and the info shared

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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by bernards66 »

Wow!...pretty impressive. As most of you know, generally I have little use for shave brushes that are not badger but this one sounds like it really does the job properly. God knows, they certainly made it look 'real' enough. Thanks for the 'scoop' and the in-depth review.
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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by brothers »

ShadowsDad wrote:. . . . I have 4 more shaves to go with it to complete my turn with the brush. I'll keep this updated with additional observations and what not.
Brian, you could lather up (stopping short of actually shaving) with it an infinite number of times over a period of 5 days or so, right? :D That would be a great way to study it's unique characteristics and to adjust your own technique to maximize the experience within the paramaters of your limited time with it before you have to send it on it's way. :wink:

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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by ShadowsDad »

Well, yes I could. But I wanted to actually test it against stubble on my face as I would use the brush for a shave. Palm lathering (IMO) would have served no purpose in what I considered to be a valid test. There was no suggested test protocol, so I used the protocol I always use to test a brush. That means for a shave on stubble only; after an initial test lather in my palm.

Over the course of the 4 shaves I used it with a low end soap (VdH), mid quality creams , and Mikes which I consider to be mid quality as well. I don't want to get into a long discussion of what mid quality is, but to me it just lacks the tiny bit of additional qualities that make it an absolutely top tier soap. Again, I don't want to get into a long discussion about it, but IMO only 6 or so soaps that I've used make up to the absolute best rating for me. I didn't test any of those products with the brush since I saw how superbly it performed with the low end to mid quality soaps. I can only guess what it will do with a REALLY good product.

Anyway, it's too late now to even consider more lathering of any type. The brush is cleaned, and has one day of drying time on it. One more day to make absolutely certain that it's dry and then it'll ship out on Monday.

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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by brothers »

I hear you Brian. I seldom (read never) build my lather in my palm. I was visualizing myself just proceeding as normal, right up to the point of putting the razor to work. I build my lather in a bowl before I brush it onto my face, and have done the face-lathering too. Obviously, building a test lather on the face too often leads to discomfort if the brush work is a bit vigorous. 'Nough said on that! I think this Simpson will be very popular. Thanks again for sharing your testing with us.

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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by Rufus »

Simpson's has now launched its synthetic Chubby 2 as an LE. I understand they will soon be bringing outa standard production version. Price of the LE is quite high.
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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by SharpSpine »


> Brian < Shave On & God Bless!!

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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by brothers »

So Brian, are you saying you prefer the Plisson L'Occitane synthetic brush over the Simpsons?

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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by Johnny »

I don't think Brian has tried the Simpsons synthetic to compare.

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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by ShadowsDad »

This Brian is anxiously awaiting Simpsons production of the brush exactly as I tested it. Faux ivory handle and all.

If the Plisson is better it must be really out of this world good. Like, sell your badgers good.

edit: But to play devils advocate... not all the testers liked the Simpsons Synthetic. Frankly that has me puzzled, but it's YMMV. It still has me puzzled though.

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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by brothers »

I agree with Johnny's suggestion that maybe the other Brian hasn't tried the Simpsons, just as I have not. I'm curious about all of the synthetic brushes, and am in the mood to get one, if and when a manufacturer makes one with a loft of at least a minimum of 60mm. I know HMS brushes do offer one that large, and hopefully one day I will start buying shaving goods again, and when that day comes (not here yet) I'll be able to find one.

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Re: Simpsons Prototype Chubby2 Synthetic testing

Post by Johnny »

Gary, Muhle makes one in your size, the XL. Knot 25 mm, loft 62 mm. Phil has them on his website. ... e-35k-256/

"Younger than some, older than most" - Wet shaving for 50+ years
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