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Post by bflotom2 »

I’m revaluating my shave set-up. I have taken a few months off to shave on the dark side with a sensor and a can of goo. I have used the same razor and blade for the last four days but changed the cream each day. Today I got to thinking maybe I should keep everything (cream, razor & blade) the same for 3-4 days. What is the opinion of the group? Hold the line or switch creams daily.

The goal is only to shave and choose the creams based on how I feel
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Re: Revaluation

Post by ShadowsDad »

We need more info.

Why did you take time off? Were things not going well with blade shaving?

I think it's a mistake to switch back and forth between cartridges and blades. The techniques are 180° out of sync'. One requires pressure to work, the other no pressure. First I'd decide what you want to shave with and stick to it.

If that was the reason then IMO the worst thing you can do is to introduce daily chaos. Doing that you'll get absolutely no where fast. The only way to come to grips with technique is to use the same hardware and software every day until you master that setup. That means the same blade (it's OK to put a fresh one in as required). Once you have that setup mastered, change one item and only one. Find out what that does to your shaves, but unless it was truly terrible stay with that setup for a time. Then change one other item and only one. Again, notice if it does anything. Make small moves and only one at a time.

After you gain experience you can make changes every day and many changes at once, but until you nail down technique and know if you caused any negatives in the shave it's counterproductive to introduce chaos.

Maker of Kramperts Finest Bay Rum and Frostbite
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Re: Revaluation

Post by jww »

I would agree with Brian that eliminating chaos and hubris are the best ways to develop proper technique and a great shaving experience. Oh, and one other thing -- time --- you need time. The more you rush or set your expectations too high, the higher the likelihood that you will find your results "disappointing".

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Re: Revaluation

Post by bflotom2 »

I’ve been wet shaving since the beginning of time and I became involved with DE’s a few years ago. I’ve shaved with DE’s on and off but something always came up time wise that made it impossible to stick to the DE. I’m nearing retirement and am taking it easier so I have more time. I have a ’49 Super Speed and an early 60’s slim, along with a Gillette President. I have several different creams and blades I’ve acquired over the last few years. I’m trying to see which blades and creams I like the best.
I’m also concerned that some of the creams I’ve acquired haven’t aged well and may need to be pitched, so I’m evaluating the creams.
I have C&E Sandalwood and Nomad purchased about the same time period-yet when I use the Nomad I get the feeling on my face of it drying before I begin shaving. Not so with the with the Sandalwood. Same setup same techniques.
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Re: Revaluation

Post by ShadowsDad »

You asked about switching creams daily or not. It all depends. If you have the cream that's giving you problems "nailed down" then it's OK to switch, if not, I'd stick with it to nail it down. By switching you introduce chaos which I already discussed. Also, you don't need to make lather and then shave with it. It's perfectly OK to take a few minutes and play with making lather to figure out what's going on with it to perfect it without shaving. When I was figuring out different soaps I did that to gain experience with them. I realized early on that shaving just once a day wasn't going to give me the lather experience I needed to become proficient as rapidly as I wanted. So I worked at it to understand lather. I will still take a new product and do a hand test lather to get a feel for it occasionally . It's OK hand lather a product to find out how to make it work.

Typically if lather dries before the pass is complete it's not been hydrated enough. Not all soaps lather the same. It sounds as though the Nomad may need more water, but all I have to go by is what you wrote. The answer may be more water and more soap. The answer may also be to toss it. That is a possible solution. But I've always had the tenacity of a bulldog and there are very few things I've done that with. I make it work one way or another, but that might not be for you.

Maker of Kramperts Finest Bay Rum and Frostbite
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Re: Revaluation

Post by brothers »

Tom, we've all got to start somewhere, and since you're considering a certain pattern, I think you should go with that, changing only occasionally, as you feel the time is right to change one aspect of your setup or another. That should enable you to evaluate and learn which ones work best and which ones aren't your cup of tea. That's how I have been able to sort out the keepers from the ones I don't use much. It goes for every component of the basics. As you change, you get a chance to see of certain combinations please you more than others. One thing that applies in my case is chasing too many too often, which leads to disappointment and can be "less than frugal". For several years I've been on a mission to find out which razors work best for me, and which ones don't seem to be ideal. That's a slow and expensive process, but who cares! Searching for perfection in the humble realm of shaving can be an entertaining and satisfying pursuit. Relaxing and educational, too. I am one who uses DE, SE, straight (open) razors, and cartridges alternating every day. I only use the twin blade cartridges, Trac II and Kai. I don't care for anything over two blades. I think it is a good thing to know to accomplish the objective in a number of ways. Others may not feel that way, and find it easier to choose one and abandon all options. Just doesn't work that way for me.

SOTD 99%: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, soaps & creams, synthetic / badger brushes, Colonial General razor, Kai & Schick blades, straight razors any time, Superior 70 aftershave splash + menthol + 444
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Re: Revaluation

Post by ThePossum »

I'm a bit different. About your age and I got back to traditional wetshaving about 6 yrs ago. Started with a DE, some Tabac soap, C&E shave cream and a blade sampler.

The only thing that I changed was the blade when worn out and the soap or cream after a couple days with each. But then, I realized after reading SMF and other shave forums that I was missing some good shaving with other DE razors particularly vintage DEs. Then I found SE shaving and of course began using an injector razor as well. As my razor collection grew so did my list of creams and soaps.

I have about 30 vintage razors, DEs, SEs and injectors as well as about a dozen creams and 5 soaps and finally like 9 brushes. Not wanting to let any of the go to waste I got in the habit rather quickly of changing up razors, cream/soap, and brushes with each shave. When it comes to blades I have one particular brand for each of the types or razors. I usually do not change them out for each shave. Just move the blade to the next razor of that style that is next in my rotation.

So there goes, someone who does not go the recommended route and I have no problems with my shaves. It is good that you come to SMF and ask these questions. For many shavers my method will not work but then again I think there are others out there that do it lke me.

Good luck with your Re-evaluation of your shaving methods. Hope you find a way to enjoy the best way of removing hair from your face.

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Re: Revaluation

Post by Squire »

Tom I tend to hold the line and use the same stuff daily. I've been using some different creams in my evening shave but that's to use stuff up as much as anything.
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