Cigar advice

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Post by drumana »

I got some CAO petite cigars today. I didn't think I'd like 'flavored' cigars but this little ten pack of Maduro petites are real nice. Packs a little punch...nice and thick smoke with a just a hint of coffee and chocolate, more chocolate down toward the nub.

I also have the CAO Cameroon petite cigars but haven't tried them yet. They should be somewhat sweeter with hints of vanilla and honey.

Tasty little buggers! 8)
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Post by MonkeyExpress »

cigars are like Coffee, wine, beer, and shaving brushes. You'll develop tastes for how they feel, smell, act, move, smoke, taste, drink, brush. you'll find that with more quality cigars, they will be rolled much better. too tight of a cigar will result in a wierd uneven smoke and wont be as enjoyable. Tools are available to the cigar afficianado to help with this, but you get the picture, any hobby will have it's specialty gadgets to go with it. I enjoy a cigar that does not take long to smoke, maybe 30 to an hour max. anything else will make me kindof woozy. That means im looking at smoking a shorter cigar, maybe something a bit thinner. I perfer some exotic flavors so i look toward things like "Acid" blondies. the wrappers are made from chinese herbs and give off a taste. not flavored of course, just herbal. sometimes i'll smoke a Romeo y Julieta. Quite nice on special occasion. what you really have to do is try a few different kinds, find a company or two you really enjoy and start exploring. you'll find something just right for every occasion, something for special occasions, and etc. Enjoy!
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Post by bbqncigars »

Whilst my foray into Acids left me wanting to take a wire brush to my tongue, the important thing is (to quote the brothers on HerfersParadise) "smoke what you like, and like what you smoke".

"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most." A. Brilliant
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