Shavemac Finest

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Clive the Thumb
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Re: Shavemac Finest

Post by fallingwickets »

i came thiscloseto goingdown the shavemac rabbit hole...vulfix landed up with that honour. Stunning brushes (or they used to be anyway)

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Re: Shavemac Finest

Post by Rufus »

I’ve had a shavemac Finest in a Beehive handle for several years. I love it for all the reasons you have cited. In terms of price, quality and performance it knocks the socks off any brush I’ve used; I currently own 30 and have tried close to 100. It is a greatly under appreciated knot. Another shavemac knot that gets no attention is the Pure badger.
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Re: Shavemac Finest

Post by Rufus »

TRBeck wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 7:39 pm I've never tried the Pure from Shavemac, nor the 2-band D01. The whole spectrum in the middle is spectacular IMO. Do you mind giving your impression of the Pure, Bryan?
About 21/2 years ago I had Brad Sears make me a Rubberset 200-style brush fitted with a small shavemac Pure badger knot. The knot is fan-shape and measures 22X46. The hair of the knot is surprisingly soft and sometimes I feel the tiniest bit of prickliness when I first start to lather (I I only face lather). Flow through is good and the backbone is moderate. The knot produces very good lather. The only other Pure badger knot I have is a Somerset-era Simpson Duke 2. The Simpson has similar face-feel to the shavemac, but is a bit stiffer. I like both brushes and they are permanently in my 30 brush rotation. I have to say though that the shavemac Finest badger has to be my ideal brush considering price, quality and performance. I don’t like dense, stiff brushes so the bulk of my badgers are 3-band silvertips. I have a shavemac 2-band silvertip, but I had It set with a high loft and fan-shaped to offset the density and backbone of the standard 2-band. I tried the shavemac Unique 2-band, but found it much too dense and stiff for my liking. Also, I like knots and the smaller end of the size spectrum: 22-24 mm diameter with at least a loft twice that if not more.
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Re: Shavemac Finest

Post by brothers »

A number of years ago when "mystery boxes" were popular among the shaving forums I bought one here on SMF (I think) and among the treasures was a Shavemac 220 and I still have it. It's a giant lather maker. I'm not certain whether Bernd still offers this brush, but this is one of the finest brushes I've ever used.

SOTD 99%: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, soaps & creams, synthetic / badger brushes, Colonial General razor, Kai & Schick blades, straight razors any time, Superior 70 aftershave splash + menthol + 444
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